GlobalGiving Atlas makes it easy to access the database of 23,372 nonprofits in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Use our standardized API or JSON or CSV files to download all NGO data for Bosnia and Herzegovina—plus many more countries and region!
## API GET Request
// JSON Response { "ba_org_type": "Udruženje", "registration_country": "BA", "ids": [ { "id": "BA-MHNZ-R148913", "active": true }], "ba_staff": "Amir Sarić", "registration_active": true, "registration_date": "2013-07-14", "registration_id": "R148913", "year_founded": 2013, "id": "BA-MHNZ-R148913", "mailing_address": { "county": "Средњобосански кантон", "country": "Босна и Херцеговина", "state": "Федерација Босне и Херцеговине", "city": "Горњи Вакуф-Ускопље" }, "name": "Udruženje Poljoprivrednih Proizvođača \"Sarića Greda\" Mostar" }
GlobalGiving Atlas has more than 9.7 million validated nonprofits, charities, and NGOs, including 23,372 charities and nonprofits in Bosnia and Herzegovina, making it the largest list of nonprofits available.
GlobalGiving Atlas combines government data, public information, and other reliable sources to ensure that each entry is a valid nonprofit in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
GlobalGiving Atlas is updated frequently, ensuring that you always have the most up-to-date, verified information for nonprofits, charities, and NGOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and never have to rely on expired data from questionable sources.