Get Image Gallery

This operation retrieves any extra images for a specific project. When requesting full <project> information, the <imageGallerySize> indicates the number of images available. If this number is greater than zero you can access the extra images using this operation. This is a non-secure request as indicated by the '/public/' element in the URL path, therefore, an access token (authentication) is not required.

HTTP Method:


Content Type:

xml, json

Accept Type:

xml, json


Path Parameters:

{projectid} the numeric identifier for a project, replace with actual value, required

Query String Parameters:

&api_key described in the API Key section, required

Query String Example:


HTTP GET Request using cURL:

curl -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X GET ""

XML Response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
   <image id="123">
      <title>Image Title<title>
      <imagelink  size="small">
      <imagelink size="thumbnail">
      <imagelink size="medium">
      <imagelink size="large">
      <imagelink size="extraLarge">
      <imagelink size="original">
   <image id="124">
      <imagelink size="small">
      <imagelink size="thumbnail">
      <imagelink size="medium">
      <imagelink size="large">
      <imagelink size="extraLarge">
      <imagelink size="original">
      <title>Another Image title</title>
   <image id="...">
      <imagelink size="...">

NOTE: The <image> element is repeating.

Get Image Gallery Response Structure

image [zero or more]

id (attribute) int
title string
imagelink [one or more]

size (attribute) string
url string

Element Definitions for Get Image Gallery Response

Element Mandatory Description
image -> id required a unique id within the set identifying the image
image -> title optional the image title (if available)
image -> imagelink -> size required Size (WxH in pixels) that the image is available in. Possible values:
small: Maximum dimensions of 75x75 - best fit, may be smaller in one dimension.
thumbnail: Fixed size of 80x52.
medium: Maximum dimensions of 300x220 - best fit, may be smaller in one dimension.
large: Maximum dimensions 540x405 - best fit, may be smaller in one dimension.
extraLarge: Maximum dimensions 1024x1024 - may be smaller in either or both dimensions. Will fit larger images to 1024 on one side. Smaller images are not scaled up.
original: The original image file that was uploaded to GlobalGiving and was used to generate the other versions.
image -> imagelink -> url required URI to project's image for specified size.
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