Due to the devastation created by Hurricane Otis in Guerrero, Fondo Semillas has activated its Emergency and Crisis Protocol, which focuses on the mobilization of flexible and strategic economic resources for the recovery of livelihoods after the humanitarian aid intervention. This response seeks to support recovery in the medium and long term and prioritizes sustaining the lives of the people, organizations, and communities we work with.
More than 800 thousand people have been affected and material losses amount to billions of dollars due to the impact of the Otis Hurricane on the coast of the state of Guerrero. At least a dozen municipalities in Guerrero were affected, with the port of Acapulco being one of the most devastated. The hurricane damaged electrical, telephone, and internet systems and caused serious damage to roads, leaving the population uncommunicated and inaccessible to humanitarian aid.
Fondo Semillas has activated its Emergency and Crisis Protocol, which focuses on the mobilization of flexible and strategic economic resources for the recovery of livelihoods after the humanitarian aid intervention. This response seeks to support recovery in the medium and long term and prioritizes sustaining the lives of the people, organizations and communities we work with.
Our main strategy for emergency response is to accompany the groups through the activation of the Network of Nodes led on the ground by the same organizations, groups, and collectives of women that, due to their experience in responding to crises or emergencies, have developed empirical or specialized capacities, that can help generate diagnoses and care strategies, in the long term, in contexts of vulnerability from a feminist perspective.
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