Project Report
| Dec 15, 2021
School Management committes Protect water purifies
By Achilles Wasswa | Executive Director / Project Leader
Water facilities for Rural schools project in Uganda has been scored as the best school facility to enhance the quality of school enviroment by the school management committees where the project provided water puirifiers for both teachers and learners. This was reached during a stakeholders meeting at Kaliiro primary school on the 12 December 2021. The purpose of meeting was to prepare for reopening of schools in January 2022 since thier closure in 2020 due to COVID 19 .
In the reporting period the school Management committees of the schools that benefited from the project have provided budget lines for routine mantainance of the water purifiers the project provided to thier schools. This has increased the number of school administrators approaching our office in lyantonde Uganda to seek support for such water purifying facilities so as to to achieve enhanced quality of school enviroment in thier respective schools that can improve the learners outcomes. This is was after report from the District Education Office indicating that the candidates from the schools that benefited from this project perfomed bether in the national examinations of 2020 than thier counter parts in the schools that have not yet benefited from the project.
we are grateful to GlobalGiving for thier partnership that has has made us achieve this milestole
Aug 16, 2021
Safe water improved students academic performance
By Achilles Wasswa | Executive Director / Project Leader
Due to COVID 19 pandemic all schools have been closed in Uganda to prevent the transmission of COVID 19 to school children. Today (3th /August,2021) in a conversation with District Education Officer for Lyantonde has appreciated the role of providing water purifiers to schools in improving the quality of school enviroment that has led to improved students academic performance in the National examinations. According to the Uganda National Examiniation Board's results "The schools that were supported with water purifiers have performed relatively better than those students in schools without safe drinking water " the District Education officer (DEO) has said. The DEO continued to report that the district was ranked the 10th best performing among 112 district in Uganda in the 2020 National examination results. He has a suggestion that all schools should have such an enviroment with safe drinking before they reopen for children in this era of COVID 19 pandemic. He attributed this, to the role played by the performance of students in the school with safe and clean drinking water this project( Sanitation Facilities for Rural Schools in Uganda) has provided. This project has reached out to 8 schools only and our plan is to reach out to 32 more school with water purifiers. We want to appreciate GlobalGiving foundation and her partners for thier contribution towards this impact.
Mar 15, 2021
Compliance Certificates to Schools with safe water
By Achille wasswa Kawooya | Executive Director/ Project leader
Availability of Safe and clean water for students has been made one of the SOPs for schools to re-open following thier closure for a year due the COVID 19 pandemic. The Ministry of Education and sports in Uganda has instructed that before any school re-opens for candidates they should be issued with a Certificates of Compliance. For any school to be issued with such a certificate it has to be with safe and clean drinking water at the school for students .
The schools that benfited from the water purifying systems were the first to be issued with certificates of compliance in Lyntonde district in South western Uganda . "Having a water purifying system added a lot for a school to be issued with a Certificate of Compliance and to re- open for her students;" the Inspector of schools in Lyantonde said in an interview with the project staff. All the shools that benefited from this project were the first to open for thier students.
A report from the Headteacher of the befiting school indicate that, waterpurifiers have provided a tusted source of safe and clean water for sudents during this Covid 19 period that require up take of a lot of water by students at school.
As OCE we are very grateful to GlobalGiving and her partners to help us reach this mile stone