Project Report
| Oct 28, 2019
They're doing ok
By Theresa Heasman | Development Director
Our boys are doing ok. They are both still in university and obtaiining top grades. Jacob completed an internship in Eldoret town in his last term. This was good work experience for him but also posed challenges in finding accommodation and being out on his own in a place where he knew no one. Abel had a short break in August for holiday but is now back to the grindstone.
Both boys, we are sure, are eagerly anticipating the short break they will get over Christmas which will enable them to come back to Kitale, catch up with friends and have a well deserved rest.
Neither boy would be where they are now without the help and support of Child Rescue Kenya's supporters who have enabled them to transition from life on the streets of Kitale town to earning top marks in university. Both of these boys face a bright, hope filled future thanks to you and they intend to do you proud!
Thanks for your continued support - we will post some pictures when we see the boys over Christmas!
Jul 1, 2019
Practical Experience
By Theresa Heasman | Development Director
Both Jacob and Abel continue to work hard in university. Jacob is currently in Eldoret (a town near Kitale) doing some practical 'on the job' training. This is giving him an opportunity to see how his studies will be relevant in the workplace. He has had to find local accommodation and 'go to work' on a daily basis so he is getting to experience what real life will be when he graduates. While it is important for students to go on such attachments, they also add to the overall cost of their education. Jacob's accommodation near the campus and his university fees still have to be paid, even though he is not there. In addition, there has been the cost of travel to his place of attachment and accommodation there. There are many 'hidden' costs such as this for university students and many families simply cannot afford them as they are already struggling. Without donor support, there would be no question of Jacob attending university and being able to complete his degree.
The government in Kenya do not provide much financial support other than a small loan which may be taken out once a year for a maximum of approximately US$450. In reality, this barely covers the cost of renting a small room in a hostel for the entire year at some campuses - at others it does not even cover the cost for six months. Tuition, exams, equipment, transport, computer and phone/internet costs, clothing, food etc must be paid by the student. Part time jobs are highly sought after and few are available.
Abel is also doing well. He is about to break for six weeks and we are hoping to find him a job during his holiday to help with his costs.
Both of our boys are very grateful for this opportunity and their hard work reflects how much they appreciate how lucky they are.
Apr 1, 2019
The good work continues...
By Theresa Heasman | Development Director
We are delighted to report that both of our boys continue to do well in university. In our last report, we advised you that Jacob had received his exam results comprising mainly A's and a couple of B's. Abel received his report for the end of his second year. An amazing 3 credits (the maximum) in each of the 7 subjects comprising his degree course (BSc Agricultural Economics). We cannot ask for more!
Both young men continue with their determination to beat all odds and graduate in hopes of finding a secure future, a world away from the lives they knew on the streets of Kitale town.
We look forward to seeing both Jacob and Abel over the Easter break which will give us a chance to talk to them and make sure that all is well with them. We will also get some up to date photographs for our next report.
So often the perception of street boys is negative but these boys are proof that there are intelligent, deserving youths on the streets, often through no fault of their own, who can perform and do well in life if just given a chance. Initiatives such as our mobile school will hopefully identify some more bright stars who will follow in the footsteps of Jacob and Abel.
The good work continues...