Project Report
| Apr 5, 2023
Fepast Activities
By Tatiana Pogo | Project Leader
fepast activitiesSome activities have been carried out in these months, such as leadership training for the board of directors of fepast, collaboration with the Ecuadorian Federation of Rare Diseases on the day of rare diseases that took place on February 28, I participated in a work table for the creation of rare diseases, members of fepast received dental care thanks to the university of the hemispheres, we supported the Pide foundation in a sit-in at the ministry of health to import safe immunoglobulin for their group of patients, in addition to some facebook live in the issues of heart disease in Turner syndrome also on the issue of how to be recurrent donors of fepast.
Oct 28, 2022
Activities of the fepast Foundation
By Tatiana Pogo | Project Leader
- During the reporting period, the following activities have been carried out: an interview with President Lilian Alcivar at the Sucre University of Bolivia, Facebook live on the following topics: Methodological Learning Strategies, the menopause of women with Turner syndrome, an invitation to the women without limits to the partners, interview with the Executive Director Tatiana Pogo and the president Lilian Alcivar to the program of the network of women leaders entrepreneurship violet, through the Turner psychology page a sexuality workshop was developed, Practical exercises to handle situations of: Social panic , Bullying and Interpersonal Conflicts, on the boulevard of the United Nations on Saturday, August 13, the Inclusive Artistic Festival "Cultura Viva" was held, presentation of Jacqueline Benalcázar, celebration of the international day of Turner syndrome on August 27, 2022 in the auditorium of the financial platform, report on Teleamazonas for the International Day born On Turner Syndrome, we attended the Forum on Rare Diseases organized by the Ministry of Health in the Baca Ortiz Hospital auditorium
Jun 29, 2022
By Tatiana Pogo | Proyect Leader
a page called turner psychology has been implemented in which several topics have been discussed for the psychological well-being of girls and women with turner syndrome, the main topics were communicating our essence, Outstanding Turner Women in which we had several women like Jackie Benpro, a food engineer, Mara Gittess, Master in Psychology, Trinidad Rico, Bachelor of English Philology, Gabriela Loveman, Business Administration Engineer with a postgraduate degree in marketing, Patricia Marques, lawyer and journalist, Laura Viviana Mendez, psychopedagogue, finally the talk Your gestures and emotions say surprising things, in which you learned, for example, to understand and send messages without words, talk by Luz María Aguilar Ramirez, teacher in psychoanalysis, human resources and pedagogy.