Identification Refugee Cards to refugees in DRC

by Collective of Youth Organizations for Solidarity in DRCongo (COJESKI/DRC, Coordination of North Kivu
Identification Refugee Cards to refugees in DRC
Identification Refugee Cards to refugees in DRC
Identification Refugee Cards to refugees in DRC
Identification Refugee Cards to refugees in DRC
Identification Refugee Cards to refugees in DRC
Identification Refugee Cards to refugees in DRC
Identification Refugee Cards to refugees in DRC
Identification Refugee Cards to refugees in DRC
Identification Refugee Cards to refugees in DRC
Identification Refugee Cards to refugees in DRC
Identification Refugee Cards to refugees in DRC
Identification Refugee Cards to refugees in DRC
Identification Refugee Cards to refugees in DRC
Identification Refugee Cards to refugees in DRC


The Democratic Republic of Congo has a long history of hosting refugees but a big number of these refugees have no Identification Cards, we estimate 3million refugees without proper documents. These refugees are mainly from Rwanda and Burundi and live with the host communities but they all not identified and this exposes them to vulnerability and lack of opportunities, to access land and other economic opportunities in order to survive.

total goal
monthly donors


Because they do not have documents, refugees cannot freely move and engage in livelihood activities in order to survive, some refugees are wrongly considered as rebels because they are properly identified and this is a danger to their security. Since 1996 up to now they lost international protection and they are now living on their own with all the consequences of massive violations of their rights, we will focus on identifying each refugee and granting them document.


This project seeks to provide Refugee Identification Card renewable each 4 years to every refugee through Government services, this will be the first step for their protection, issue Refugee Card to each person, advocate for specific refugee settlements and lobby for humanitarian relief aid for them mainly (food, descent shelter, education, health services and the promotion of income generating activities) because they will be now known and well identified. It will help also them to integrate.

Long-Term Impact

This project will foster peace in the Great Lakes, will reduce tensions between Rwanda and DRC over refugee issues, will now favor debate on durable solutions to refugees and explore long-term economic and social opportunities for refugees to live a normal life in the DRC. It will position refugees as stakeholders in the development of the country and empower them to play roles in solving communities problems as important human resource. Rwanda will no longer view them as security threats.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Project Leader:
Goma , North Kivu Congo, Democratic Republic of the
$367 raised of $273,000 goal
16 donations
$272,633 to go
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