Education  India Project #21871

Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children

by Salaam Baalak Trust
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Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children
Salaam Baalak Trust - working for street children

Project Report | Oct 29, 2018
Progress Report DMRC Residential Centre

By Tanya Alag | Head - Resource Mobilization


Street children are deprived of protective environment of family. Article 20 of United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes the right of such children who cannot be looked after by their own family to special care. The Government of India also accorded serious attention to provide protective environment of children in need of care including street children through enactment of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and subsequent amendments to the Act. The Act in its Section 37 provides for establishment of shelter homes for children in need of care and protection. Significance of shelter homes and residential centres for street children is immense, given the exploitative, violent and hostile situations they face in cities. Shelter homes or residential centres act as safety nets protecting street children from sexual abuse and exploitation, physical violence and child labour.
SBT Residential Centres are Unique
Unlike orphanages, shelter homes and other child care institutions, full-care and short stay residential homes provide an enabling environment to children to realize their potential to the fullest. An attempt is made to educate and help children develop intellectually at these centres. However, children who are not inclined towards academics are not pushed towards a definite career path. Children are provided opportunities to develop their hidden talents and skills. They are encouraged to pursue dance, puppetry, acting, painting and photography as well.
DMRC Children Home for Boys
DMRC Children’s Home was established as part of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation’s corporate social responsibility. The home on an average houses 125 boys from the age of five to below 18 years. The centre provides shelter, education, clothing, food and all needed amenities to children rescued from streets.
In the reporting period, the centre already housed 130 children and a total of new 114 new children were admitted to the centre. Of these a total of 105 children were restored, transferred and released on the orders of the Child Welfare Committee. As on March 21, 2018, the centre housed a total of 139 children.
Activities and Progress Update
Laying adequate emphasis on the role of education to develop personality and character of children, the centre makes all efforts to link children to education. The education programme at the centre is pliable as it is based on the individual needs of children. Depending on their existing knowledge and preparedness children are provided education through different modes including non-formal education (NFE), open school, and formal education.
During the reporting period a total of 60 children have been provided formal education. A total of 10 boys have been transitioned from NFE programme to formal education. New enrolment of 37 children has been made in schools. Apart from this, 18 children are getting education through distance learning in NIOS. All new children have been covered under NFE program. Approximately 250 children have benefitted through NFE classes.

Food and Nutrition

The three balanced meals provided to children residing at the centre in addition to an evening snacks. The diet entails a well-balanced nutritious diet. The school going children get nutritious lunch boxes packed for their schools. Seasonal fresh fruits are part of the evening snacks. Special diets are also been provided to sick children and the boys who are into sport activities. On an average food and nutrition services are provided to a total of 130-140 children at the centre.
Regular medical check- ups of children are done at the centre. A full time doctor employed with SBT comes regularly to conduct medical check-ups. The centre has two medical social workers to take care of the children’s medical needs and emergency cases. Apart from the health check-ups, specialised care is provided to children. In the reporting period a number of children were provided specialised care. (For details See Table)

Table 1: Children Provided Specialised Medical Care
Treatment services
No of children
Neuro and seizure disorder
Psychological/Psychiatric Treatment
Hepatitis B
Speech Therapy
Physically Impaired
Spinal Problem
24 children
Extra-curricular Activities
Children are engaged in various activities like football, cricket, soccer and squash. A sports teacher at the centre channelises children’s energy in lots of indoor and outdoor activities. Children also attend swimming and karate classes and participate in various local and inter-organizational games & sports competitions. Children’s involvement in extra-curricular activities ensures their all-round development. (For Details See Table Below)
Table 2: Children Engaged in Extra-curricular Activities*
Extra-curricular Activities
No of Children
Dance Class
Library Facility
Theatre Class
Kick Boxing
*These numbers are not mutually exclusive, a child can opt for more than one extracurricular activities.
Skill development
To prepare adolescents for an adult life, they are linked to skill development and vocational training courses. Children at DMRC are provided theatre and dance classes. Theatre is one of the primary ways children learn about life: about actions and consequences, about customs and beliefs, about others and themselves. Apart from this, in house classes for electrical and electronic course are provided to children. Also children are given computer training. (For Details See Table)
Table 3: Skill Development and Vocational Training
Vocational training and Skill Development Courses
Number of children
In-house training (Electrical and Electronic)
City Walk Training
Dance Training
Art and Craft (Prabhat Resource Centre)
Cooking & Baking
Industrial Training Institute
General Duty Assistant
Facility Care & Management
Marketing & Personality Development

Rehabilitation and Job Placement

Rehabilitation is an ongoing process at the centre. The adolescent boys are prepared for an adult life through engaging them in education, vocational training, and dance and sports classes. A career counselor guides them to opt for suitable vocational training courses. Many children also excel in theatre & dance and opt them as a career option. In the reporting period, DMRC CHB has successfully rehabilitated 12 children with job placements.

Festival celebration

Event and festival celebration is one of favorite activities of the children at the centre. These celebrations inculcate cultural and secular values among children. All children are very happy and energized during these celebrations. Children celebrated Lohri, Diwali, Christmas, New Year, Republic Day and Holi in the reporting period.
Trips and Tours
Curiosity and exploration is inherent in children. Through the means of recreation and excursions the children are helped to develop the power of observations, exploration, judgment and drawing inferences, and to develop the co-operative attitude and leadership skills in them. Children have been to various exposure visits during the reporting period.
Centre faces following challenges in dealing with children on a regular basis.
1. Rehabilitation and restoration of children with special needs is a problem as there is a dearth of good aftercare organizations for such children. Establishing communication channels with children suffering from speech and hearing disabilities also requires special skills and efforts on the part of the staff and thus, poses a challenge.
2. Rehabilitation of juvenile in conflict with law also remains a challenge. These children who were once involved in criminal activities take time to adjust to a normal life.
3. Presence of behavioral issues due to substance use among children also creates problems. Addressing these issues by the counsellor and centre team takes a lot of psychological effort.
Future Plan

The DMRC CHB team has envisaged a clear future plan with set targets to further improve the outreach and quality of services at the centre.
To overcome the existing challenges
New admission of 10 children in regular school
Admission of 10 children in vocational training
Admission of two special children in Lady Noyce School
Making new strategies to prevent substance use
Networking to rehabilitate and better management of speech and hearing impaired child

Significant Change Story

A child named Vinod got admitted by an unknown person in very ill condition with severe bed sore and wounds in anal passage at LNJP Hospital. The child was then presented to CWC after discharge by Police and was brought to DMRC for further care. The doctor at the centre suggested regular dressing for bed sore and anal wounds in unconscious state as child was acutely malnourished. Though the dressing was done in-house but it was to be done under proper medical supervision. At the centre the child was provide proper medical care, dressing and highly nutritious diet. Child was then referred to GB Pant Hospital by LNJP for mental health analysis as he was passing stool and urine at bed only. After the diagnosis at GB Pant Hospital, doctor changed the drug regime and advised for high protein diet for him and recommended an exercise therapy for a week. After a week’s treatment, in-house doctor conducted a complete full body check-up and saw sign of recovery and normalcy. Presently, the child is on medication and recovering fast.

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Organization Information

Salaam Baalak Trust

Location: New Delhi, Delhi - India
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @salaambaalakngo
Project Leader:
Tanya Alag
New Delhi , Delhi India
$106,133 raised of $150,000 goal
1,107 donations
$43,867 to go
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