Project Report
| May 17, 2016
Meet Guadalupe
Guadalupe, the youngest of four siblings, is only two years old, but in her short life, she has experienced pain and neglect. Guadalupe's father died, leaving his family to live in extreme poverty on the outskirts of La Paz with an abusive mother. Since she was born, Guadalupe has been in and out of state shelters, but each time she was returned to the small room she shared with her mother and siblings.
This pattern was repeated until Guadalupe’s five-year-old brother was admitted to the hospital. Tragically, Guadalupe’s brother died due to abuse. At this time, Guadalupe was again placed in a state shelter, where she was mistreated. She was admitted to the hospital due to severe malnutrition and physical violence.
A state social worker could not find a home for Guadalupe. She was suffering, and she needed to be cared for. The state social worker knew of Kaya and requested that Guadalupe come and live in our residential program. Guadalupe arrived at Kaya two months ago. Kaya’s social worker, Pamela, says, "When Guadalupe arrived, she didn't seem to have a desire to live. She was dirty, malnourished, and had a head full of lice."
Guadalupe was a very sad girl when she arrive

d at
Kaya. The first time Guadalupe had lunch at
Kaya, she was so hungry she ate two bowls of soup and two plates of food. Sadly, she was so afraid, she sat silent and alone.
But Guadalupe´s life has improved since then. Gradually, we have seen a beautiful smile where before only sadness lurked. Whereas Guadalupe used to awaken unhappy, silent, and pensive, now she gets up with a smile on her face and immediately starts singing songs in her bed until the others wake up.
Guadalupe has a long way to go. She still has several signs of the abuse with which she lived all her life; but slowly, with the help of Kaya, Guadalupe’s childhood is being restored. She is well fed, spends time in the park, receives medical attention, and most importantly, she feels love from the staff and the children who know her.
Help provide a loving home and specialized care for Guadalupe and the other little ones at Kaya by making a gift today. In the month of May, any gift given to support the littlest at Kaya will be MATCHED!