Project Report
| Nov 22, 2022
Working on effective waste management!
By Shayle Havemann | Project leader
People don't recycle because they are unaware of the issues and this project aims to tackle this and get all communities recycling together as part of the United Nations SDGs.
By implementing proper waste management practices, we can combat climate change and directly improve communities and livelihoods. Providing the infrastructure to start educating and improving the waste management area by area we will build ambassadors for change to help install projects across all locations. This project aims to improve waste management practices in our project locations all over the world. By helping to fund the transportation of waste from hard-to-reach areas to efficient disposal areas as well as implementing recycling stations in communities, to provide people with the opportunity to recycle and reuse some of their waste.
Thank you for your support
Jul 18, 2022
Reduce, recycle, reuse !
By Shayle Havemann | Project leader
This project aims to improve waste management practices in our project locations all over the world. By helping to fund the transportation of waste from hard-to-reach areas to efficient disposal areas as well as implementing recycling stations in communities, to provide people with the opportunity to recycle and reuse some of their waste.
By implementing proper waste management practices, we can combat climate change and directly improve communities and livelihoods. Providing the infrastructure to start educating and improving the waste management area by area we will build ambassadors for change to help install projects across all locations. People don't recycle because they are unaware of the issues and this project aims to tackle this and get all communities recycling together as part of the United Nations SDGs. It costs the project $15 each day to collect recycled materials from one centre.
Thank you for your support
Mar 17, 2022
Recycle and reuse help the drive!
By Shayle Havemann | Project leader
Due to a lack of education and infrastructure to properly dispose of or safely store their trash, many communities around the world are still relying on old practises of burning their trash, which is a large contributor to climate change through the emission of greenhouse gases. Another issue that many areas are facing is the fact that they cannot transport their trash to a suitable area or landfill which in turn pushes people to use the quickest and easiest solution..
By implementing proper waste management practices, we can combat climate change and directly improve communities and livelihoods. Providing the infrastructure to start educating and improving the waste management area by area we will build ambassadors for change to help install projects across all locations. People don't recycle because they are unaware of the issues and this project aims to tackle this and get all communities recycling together as part of the United Nations SDGs.
Thank you for your support