By Roberta Ward Smiley | Founder and President
I was up at the Miravalles Volcano just last week. My friends and I make an annual trip to acquire the excellent volcanic clay that comes form this area. While there I looked up at the northern flank of Miravalles and was astounded at the deforestation, how high up on the volcano it reached. Surely cattle would roll down the hill as steep as it is.
It made me proud to know that along the western flank, reaching to the north is the forested property of Omar and Miriam Quesada. He has conserved this forest, rich with flora and fauna, for decades. As the lands around him were deforested his forest has stood as one last stronghold for the native life struggling to survive.
The payments LRFF will pay to the Quesada’s for the CO2 that this 90+ hectare forest is sequestering each year will enable Miriam’s daughter to finish her schooling. Without this deserved and addition income she will need to take a job without the benefits her diploma would provide.
Come on everyone, let’s see the forest by way of the trees and realize they are living beings working for all life on Earth. They deserve our appreciation and the people who conserve them deserve something for protecting them.
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