Dear friends,
During the second quarter of 2018 we continued to help the schools that are part of our program “Breakfast for the Children” and food shipments continued without interruption.
The schoolchildren who benefit from this program are from the small rural towns of El Soberbio, Misiones and Pampa del Indio, Chaco. Thanks to this program, they receive breakfast and/or lunch on every school day. This campaign is key, because in many of the schools admitted in this project, this is the only meal the children receive all day long. All help is welcome. With US$15, breakfast is provided to a child for a full month. For more information and donations, please visit: www.sumandomanos.org
In Buenos Aires, our representative, Mrs. Teresa Donaire, and her large group of collaborators continue to receive all kind of donations that she personally selects, cleans and prepares, in order to make sure that each donated item is in good condition before sending it to the different schools. Her tireless work is an example of strength and dedication for all. We’d like to recognize Tere for all her hard work and unconditional love, who is the heart and soul of our foundation in Argentina.
Tarbut school in Buenos Aires continues to carry out their Tzedaka project via Patriotic Breakfasts, collecting donations from their own students that will be shipped to the schools under Sumando Manos Foundation’s umbrella. Thanks to all the students and teachers for their commitment and dedication to helping those who need.
Great news! Thanks to a generous donation received by Ms. Mariana, the fridge needed by the School N• 808 "Antarctica Argentina" of Paraje Sta. Rita, Pampa del Indio, Chaco was sent and they are already enjoying it. This school also received several bicycles so that children no longer have to endure long walks every day to get to classes. In many cases, the distance walked by the children was of 7 miles.
Even more great news! As part of our health program, Dr. Marcelo Wirth together with a dentist, Dr. Andrea, visited rural schools in Pampa del Indio, Chaco. During the visit, they checked all the children that needed care and provided preventive medicine to many others. We will also work together so that children who need a follow-up visit or a new consultation can do so at the local hospital as soon as possible. We share photos of the E.E.P. N 734 in Lot 3, Pampa Chica.
Again, thank you so much for your continued support and we look forward to your contribution in the future.
Sumando Manos Foundation