Promote Child Rights Awareness -Uganda

by Luuka Youth Development Association and Advisory C
Promote Child Rights Awareness -Uganda
Promote Child Rights Awareness -Uganda
Promote Child Rights Awareness -Uganda
Promote Child Rights Awareness -Uganda
Promote Child Rights Awareness -Uganda
Promote Child Rights Awareness -Uganda
Promote Child Rights Awareness -Uganda
Promote Child Rights Awareness -Uganda

Project Report | Nov 8, 2012
Promote Child Rights Awareness-Uganda

By Kyayi Moses | Programme Coordinator

Rights Awareness Meeting
Rights Awareness Meeting

During this quarter, below are the activities which have been implemented.

Conduct 2 community sensitization meetings:

The meeting was conducted at Naigobya Village, the community was sensitized on forms of child rights, and were also informed as much as the children have rights they still have responsibilities, which means parents as the first line of response have also responsibility of guiding these children and help them not miss interpret the rights.40 participants attended the training.

Child protection Child protection:

LUYUDAAC conducted four child rights meetings in this quarter. Training of Caregivers in Early childhood Development ( ECD) One Caregiver was also trained in ECD, she is equipped with knowledge and skills on how to handle adolescents and also on different development stages of a child. The communication of children and their parents has improved due to this training and also their relationship has improved since some children can now confine in their parents unlike before.

Trained 8 teachers in psychosocial care and support of vulnerable children.

Psychosocial support is a child Centered methodology that all teachers need to learn because among the children they handle some of them are vulnerable. Children need to be counseled whenever they are emotionally traumatized and stigmatized. Vulnerable children have a lot of psychosocial problems since some of them stay with relatives and friends who ill treat them and are not bothered about their welfare.

Psychosocial support PSS review meetings:

LUYUDAAC on a monthly basis conducts a review meeting of PSS activities . The PSS activities reviewed included home visiting, sensitization of OVC and caregivers on child rights and responsibilities, identification of child abuse cases and management and counseling OVC and families during home visiting. The organization has successful organized and facilitated one PSS meeting with in the quarter with an agenda and minutes are prepared on different issues discussed.

Facilitated referrals:

LUYUDAAC has also supported referrals for vulnerable children and their households. Children and their caregivers have been referred on issues of malaria, HIV/AIDS, domestic violence, child neglect, nutrition issues, and education issues among others Home visits by CPCs:

LUYUDAAC facilitated 6 child rights advocates and protection committee members to carry out child protection home visits and on a monthly basis they visit twice, working hand in hand with the PSS volunteers.

During the home visits by child protection committee members, some child abuse cases are identified and some are managed. The CPCs have sensitized OVC households on child rights and responsibilities that have helped bringing a better understanding of child rights different from what they had of freedom.

Child profiling meeting:

A child profiling meeting was conducted which was attended by 10 participants 6 females and 4 males, among which included community members not directly involved in the project, community leaders, opinion leaders, OVC caregivers and community groups. The focus was on food security and nutrition, health, psychosocial support and child protection.

Livelihood support Train OVC caregivers in IGA management modern crop production technologies.

20 OVC households in this quarter have been trained. Majority of these house households have been using out-dated rudimentary tools for like the long hand hoes ploughing their gardens but the organization has played a role of assisting them by ploughing their gardens using Ox-plough as one way of increasing food production at household level hence reducing famine. More other 50 newly selected for the support have been identified and ploughing for them will be next season February 2013.Practical experiences and ideas on how best they can earn from other income generating activities need to be shared and have a multiplier effect.

Support with income Generating Activities ( IGAs)

LUYUDAAC would wish to support 50 OVC households with improved goats and hens/layers as one way of generating income at household level through egg production and sales of both eggs and Kids , Training OVC caregivers in Village Savings and Loan Associations.

Monitoring and Evaluation .



Community mobilization, Sensitization to create awareness on child rights, child protection, prevention of child abuse and neglect.

Train teachers in psychosocial care and support to vulnerable children Formation of Child rights clubs at both community level and in schools Composing Educative drama shows which will be education communities what child rights are and dangers of abuse of child rights.

Continuous training of child rights advocates and patrons Conducting child rights meetings Holding Community sensitization meetings.

Continuous trainings in Early Childhood Development OVC households training in income generating activity management and entrepreneurship skills Supporting OVC caregivers with income generating activities.

Trainings care givers in Savings and credit Psychosocial support.

Quarterly periodical meetings to review activities .

Conducting continuous referrals Conducting home visits by child protection committee members and PSS volunteers Training of community psychosocial volunteers.

Community level feedback meetings

Reporting to partners Monitoring and Evaluation

Volunteer Sensitizing Community on Child Rights
Volunteer Sensitizing Community on Child Rights
Drama show on Child Labour
Drama show on Child Labour
Volunteer sensitizing community on Child Rights
Volunteer sensitizing community on Child Rights
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Organization Information

Luuka Youth Development Association and Advisory C

Location: Iganga, Uganda - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @kyayimoses
Kyayi Moses
Project Leader:
Kyayi Moses
Iganga , Busoga Region Uganda

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