Project Report
| Sep 3, 2020
No news, good news? Not in this case.
By Maria Luisa Chavez Azpiri | Project Leader
Dear donors,
We usually say 'No news, good news', but in this case, that isn't quite true...
The covid-19 pandemic in Mexico is still at it's peak, and the emergency measures haven't been lifted yet. This means we cannot visit the beekeepers, re-ignite our working plan and our communication with them is still very limited.
Although there are no covid-19 health related issues than we know of amongst the groups, the process of strenghtening the beehives to fight against climate change, preparing for the next harvest season, and getting the organic certificate are standing (almost) still.
We will keep you posted once the situation has improved and our beekeepers are back on track!
Bee safe!
May 7, 2020
About the pandemic and our beekeepers...
By Maria Luisa Chavez | Project Leader
As you can imagine, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit hard the work of our beekeepers. Fortunately, we haven't heard about anyone in the groups we work with getting the virus, which could be deadly for them considering the vulnerability and marginalization conditions they live in (little or no running water, no access to hospitals or quality health care, impossibility to 'stay home', etc.). But their productive activities and income have been severely affected. Their harvest volume hasn't been great neither due to the climatic variations consequence of global warming, and the global markets are not currently compromising purchasing prices nor volumes. We have an enormous challenge in finding commercial partners who will be able and willing to pay fair prices for our beekeepers work, and in motivating the producers to keep working with their hives because eventually, the situation will get better!
Stay tuned for more updates, and stay safe at home (if you can)!
Jan 6, 2020
New year, new energies
By Maria Luisa Chavez | Project Leader
The new year brings new energies amogst our hardworking beekeepers. This means a new harvest will soon begin and new challenges we will have to face together. In 2019, our biggest obstacle was selling the harvested honey to fair markets for fair prices. We failed. Some honey was sold at extremely low prices, some was used to feed the bees while waiting for the next blooming season, the rest is still waiting for someone to offer a price that is acceptable.
In 2020 we will continue strenghtening field practices, and we will update information about the market, so the smallholder producers we work with feel empowered. We are looking for new commercial allies that help our project thrive, as well as new donors to support our costs!
We have seen the devastating effects of climate change all over the world (look at Australia's wildfires, for example). The beekeepers have seen them as well. We won't stop the fight against it, and beekeeping is going to help us do it!