All of the farmers were very excited to receive their E-Shepherd collars and their packets of materials on integrated livestock and predator management in the local language of Otjiherero. Over the course of two days, we deployed twenty-five smallstock collars among five different farmers, as well as four foxlight systems with two farmers who were losing livestock in their kraal (livestock enclosure).
These solar-powered foxlight systems are put on the enclosures, and at night, when most losses occur, they flash in a randomised pattern that mimics a person walking around the kraal with a flashlight. With both of these deterrent types, we are excited to get an idea of how well they work in Otjituuo Conservancy to better assist farmers in preventing their losses using nonlethal deterrents. Tools for reducing livestock losses to carnivores, should benefit both conservation and farmers in order to ensure the safeguarding of farmer livelihoods as well as the future of vulnerable wildlife and the ecosystems that they support.