Project Report
| Jun 6, 2013
Home & Family From the Hallmark Channel
Angels In Waiting third quarter report.
On May 10th Angels In Waiting was once again featured on "The Doctors" television show. The show highlighted the work that AIW had done to help heal the trauma at Sandyhook. The AB Bill 1133 that is currently before the California state legislature was also touched upon in the initial filming. AIW greatly appreciates the exposure that this show has generated and the potentiality of working with the Dr. Phil Foundation in the future.
AB Bill 1133
The initial voting by the Assembly Floor produced an unanimous 71-0 approval of this bill that will generate the funds necessary to treat the destitute foster care infants and children whose lives have been impacted by drugs, abuse and genetic anomalies. Linda West-Conforti will be traveling to Sacramento at the beginning of June to witness the final Senet vote on AB1133.
Sammy, "the miracle baby," who overcame death four times and who has survived to become an intelligent ten-year old will be accompanying Linda. Sammy is a sterling example of how the unique, specialized care that Angels In Waiting offers can turn a premature tragedy of a drug-addicted mother into a well-adjusted thriving child. We are also focusing on setting up funds for these children that will cover special education needs and eventually higher education.
The senior producers of the Hallmark station show, "Home And Family," have expressed interest in featuring AIW on a segment that should film in late June or early July. We understand that this show has an audience of ninety million viewers and will be a marvelous opportunity for AIW in terms of introducing our organization and the Nurse-Foster Parent program to a large segment of the population.
As the longest day of the year, the summer solstice, approaches, we wish all our benefactors illumination and tranquality.