Project Report
| Jan 20, 2021
![Our girls Back to School]()
Our girls Back to School
With the full resumption of schools by the Kenya Government, after two weeks we have not received back all the giirls that have been in our schools. This is not strange since in normal cases even when there is no Corona pandemic, the poor in the slums change their status of residence depending on their economic status. Some even travel upcountry and never come back to the city if they get some better livelihood in the rural area or some are not back because of lack of fare. But we have began in an encouraging note.
We are yet to know if any of our girls are among those 152,000 Kenyan teenage girls who became pregnant during the lockdown. Our policy is that even if they are pregnant they need to finish their education. Education being the basic right of every citizen need a combined effort to ensure these precious girls finish the school.
During this reporting period September - November we received a total US$1,185 mainly from Girl Fund account since we are among the eight (8) organizations in the cohort of Girlfund. Whenever we could manage we have continued to assist the girls through giving them crotcheting skills, provision of free clean water for both domestic use and drinking. Water provision has enabled the poor to improve on their health and cleanliness. We have provided our compound as a venue for continuous self study for those who could come.
We are glad that despite the hard 10 months, most of the staff are back and we have managed to replace the three who did not make it back. We continue to appeal to our supporters and well wishers to commit at least US$10 every month and enables us continue giving these girls hope despite the devastating effect of COVID-19 which added already to their desperate situation of gender inequality, abuse and other disadvantages girls already suffer. It will be your joy and mine, if we can shape such lives like the lives of the two girls I have taken a photo with (see the photos) who have gone upto university level. I am so proud of them that now they are self reliant and are giving back to the community. Join me in doing this noble work.
![University Graduates- Sheepcare products]()
University Graduates- Sheepcare products
![Livelihood crocheting Skills]()
Livelihood crocheting Skills
![Nairobi School - First Day]()
Nairobi School - First Day
![Kisumu School - First Day]()
Kisumu School - First Day