The project PHASE 1 (funded) will establish a Food & Eco forest for Agatha Amani House shelter and also a demo site. During the forests design and implementation, will include a training on food forestry and community outreach (Part II ,UNFUNDED) as a forest-local related initiative . The training targets 30 participants and outreach 50 pax.The forests will also help in water conservation and reduction of the effect of greenhouse gases thus mitigating climate change plus being a demo site .
Being a shelter for women survivors of Sexual/gender based violence and their children, we are located in Naivasha which is mainly dry; a home of flower farms whose agrochemicals pollute air, soil and water supplies. Other such institutions go through the same problem; our land is small for large farming, inadequate water and the need for a self sustainable way of providing food nutrients to the shelter's (for women/children) residents.
Training and community outreaches will create awareness on available small local climate solutions thus a ripple effect and inviting more people to contributing towards mitigation. The forests will provide food/fruits for the shelter residents and create a holistic, living-in-harmony-with-nature experience. Will also help in water conservation and reduction of the effects of the greenhouse gases and assist in carbon sequestration thus contributing to mitigation of climate change.
The project seeks to educate and mentor 60 community groups (shelters and government departments representatives) on how they can contribute towards mitigation of climate change through creating food and Eco forests in a small or big piece of land, natural building and renewable energy. We plan to have 2 community outreaches annually to sensitize and create awareness on possible local climate actions at individual and organisational level.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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