Project Report
| Apr 18, 2017
Worsening child malnutrition from an African droug
By Dr. Angelo Tomedi | Project Leader
![Mother and her child at a busy outreach clinic]()
Mother and her child at a busy outreach clinic
The problem of child hunger and malnutrition has become worse recently in the poverty-stricken region of eastern Kenya where Global Health Partnerships (GHP) has established a therapeutic feeding program. On February 10, 2017, President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya declared the current drought a national disaster and has appealed to the international community for emergency support. An estimated 2.7 million people are affected by the drought, which has caused crop failure and created food shortages. The Kenyan nurse and GHP-trained Community Health Workers who check the nutrition of the children seen in outreach clinics report a recent large increase in malnutrition. Many of the affected children would die from poor nutrition and infection if treatment is not started. The therapeutic feeding regimen used by the "Feeding Hungry Children in Kenya" project is providing food supplements for the children and a monthly supply of nutritious food for the families. Because of the generosity of donors like you, many malnourished children are recovering and healthy.
In the 3 months since our last report (January, February, and March), 274 children were seen and their nutrition status assessed in the GHP outreach clinics. 32 of these young children were treated for malnutrition through the therapeutic feeding program (in the previous 3-month period there were only 10). Immunizations and treatment for worms were also given to the children. In addition to the therapeutic feeding for malnourished children, 24 families are enrolled in the GHP program of feeding the poorest and receive a monthly food ration, plus the support needed for their children to stay in school.
Please send us your comments and suggestions. Tell us if there are aspects of the program for which you would like more detailed information.
Jan 19, 2017
Fighting hunger of Kenyan children and families
By Dr. Angelo Tomedi | Project Leader
Child hunger and malnutrition is a common problem in the poverty-stricken region of eastern Kenya where GHP has established a therapeutic feeding program. Many of these children would die from poor nutrition and infection if treatment is not started. The first step is to identify the children who need treatment in the isolated villages. GHP has trained a network of volunteer village Community Health Workers (CHWs) who have been weighing and measuring the children and arranging treatment. CHWs also monitor child growth to assess the response to the treatment program. The therapeutic feeding regimen was initiated and the "Feeding Hungry Children in Kenya" project provided the children and their families with a monthly supply of nutritious food. Because of the generosity of donors like you, many children are now thriving and healthy.
Twenty-four families are enrolled in the GHP program of feeding the poorest and receive a monthly food ration, plus the support needed for their children to stay in school.Many of the hungry malnourished children in the “Feeding Hungry Children in Kenya” project have been found in the outreach clinics that provide vital services for young children in remote villages. In the 3 months since our last report (October, November, and December), 266 children were seen in the GHP outreach clinics. 10 of these young children were treated for malnutrition through the therapeutic feeding program. Immunizations and treatment for worms were also given to the children.
Please send us your comments and suggestions. Tell us if there are aspects of the program for which you would like more detailed information.
Oct 26, 2016
Kenya's poorest children can thrive with your help
By Dr. Angelo Tomedi | Project Leader
Because of the extreme poverty of their families, 7 year old Musembi and 5 year old Josephine had a meager diet consisting mostly of small amounts of maize porridge. The meals were not enough to sustain their growth, They became progressively thinner, underweight, and growth stunted. The malnutrition made them prone to serious infections. The dangerously ill children were brought by their mothers to a Global Health Partnerships GHP) outreach clinic. Their infections were treated but equally important their malnutrition was recognized by the staff. The therapeutic feeding regimen was initiated and the "Feeding Hungry Children in Kenya" project provided the children and their families with a monthly supply of nutritious food. Because of the generosity of donors like you, Musembi and Josephine are now thriving, as you can see from their photos.
Twenty-four families are enrolled in the GHP program of feeding the poorest and receive a monthly food ration, plus the support needed for their children to stay in school.Many of the hungry malnourished children in the “Feeding Hungry Children in Kenya” project have been found in the outreach clinics that provide vital services for young children in remote villages. In the 3 months since our last report (July, August, and September), 204 children were seen in the GHP outreach clinics. 7 of these young children were treated for malnutrition through the therapeutic feeding program. Immunizations and treatment for worms were also given to the children.
Please send us your comments and suggestions. What do you find most interesting in the reports? Let us know if there are aspects of the program for which you would like more detailed information.