Project Report
| Feb 19, 2021
Report for project 36078
Blessedly, the Covid epidemic in our area is subsiding enough to enable the return of a number of our residents who have been sheltering in place with their families. Several new residents are coming within the next couple of weeks.
Our family support group—who have been supporting each other via their What’s App group— will be reaching out to the families of the newcomers—offering them to join the group. Our social worker and matron, as always, maintain contact with the families of all residents, calling to check on them and responding immediately to their calls. They provide emotional support and guidance as to how best to manage challenges—such as feeding difficulties, bed to wheelchair transfers, and understanding the communications of their non-verbal loved one. They also encourage them to connect by phone with family members of other residents who have walked, and/or are walking the same difficult path.
The continued unreliability of internet access in the West Bank increases the difficulty of steady on-going communication. Our present goal is to find ways to improve the wifi connection at the Homes, then use Zoom with those families who have wifi and computer capability to them again to meet ‘face to face.’
Our first zoom family support group meeting(s) will focus on helping to the family members process the challenges of this past year. This will assist their own healing and their ability to accept and accurately see the present abilities of their loved one and set appropriate future incremental goals. (The year’s lack of physical and occupational therapy has caused some deterioration of the functioning of many of our returning residents.) The group members will be essential in supplying hope to each other as their loved one regains his/her abilities and develops new ones.
Your financial assistance has provided the on-going contacts and guidance between our social worker and matron, and their families. We look forward to the time, hopefully soon! when these meetings can be face to face (at least via zoom) and include family members of our newest residents.
On behalf of our residents, staff and their families, our deepest thanks to you for your kindness and generosity which has so enhanced the lives of our residents and their families.