Project Report
| May 10, 2012
Woman Learns To Plan After Multiple Abortions
By David Horn | Communications Coordinator
Catalina, a 35 year-old mother of three, was taking her sick son to clinic in her community in Patzún when she encountered Ana, a WINGS Family Planning Educator. Ana told Catalina that she was only visiting for the day, but would be back in the area the following week to conduct a talk about family planning.
Catalina was interested in learning more about family planning, as she told Ana that while she has three children, she has also had three pregnancies that ended in abortion. Because she was poor and illiterate, Catalina didn’t have access to family planning methods.
The next week, Catalina attended the discussion, and spoke more with Ana about her options. Ana was able to refer her to receive an IUD, so now Catalina is able to live without worrying about future unplanned pregnancies.
To learn more about WINGS' family planning program, visit
Feb 20, 2012
Getting Men Involved in Family Planning
By David Horn | Communications Coordinator
Luis Miguel is 32 years old and has two children. He comes from a family of 18. Luis is illiterate because his parents could not afford to send him to go to school, and he desperately wants his kids to avoid the same fate. Knowing that he and his wife would not be able to financially support a third child, he took matters into his own hands. In passing, Luis heard about a family planning clinic day and decided to attend to receive a WINGS-subsidized vasectomy after a discussion with his wife.
"I told my wife I didn’t want to have more kids, but I needed her as a wife and a partner to be sure not to have more kids. I want to give my children what they need, build them a house, send them to school through university, clothe them and make sure they live happily. The same for my wife – I want to enjoy going on walks and spending time with my kids and family. I am very pleased with WINGS and everyone that is committed to family planning, and continue to assist families. God bless them."
To learn more about WINGS' family planning program, visit
Oct 20, 2011
Educator, Evelyn, talks about her commitment to WINGS
By Natasha Pizzey | Development Officer
![Evelyn (left) gives counsel to a friend]()
Evelyn (left) gives counsel to a friend
Evelyn, 28, began working with WINGS as a volunteer helping spread information about sexual and reproductive health to women in her village. She was so motivated and successful in reaching out to her community that WINGS soon took her on as a full time field educator. Here she speaks a little about why she remains commited to the job:
“Working with WINGS has given me the chance to really see the culture and beliefs that we have around family planning. Mainly it’s due to poor education – or none at all – about reproductive health. I’ve worked with so many families here that wanted guidance on these topics that I know the work we’re doing is important. In most communities, people don’t have access to the kinds of services WINGS can provide so it’s great that we can fill that gap. I feel really good about my work because I’ve supported families in reaching their own family planning decision by giving them information. We hope to keep counting on the support of people who make our work possible. I truly believe that this is fundamental for my country, and I will continue to work my hardest on this with WINGS.”
You can see Evelyn talk more about her experiences in our 8minute film here: