Project Report
| Dec 29, 2021
Improving Lives of 1200 Women with Menstrual Cups
BARKA's Cup Ambassadors Complete Their Training
The photo above is our team of 24 Cup "Ambassadrices" who are right now breaking the silence around the taboo subject of menstruation in their communities. Each Ambassadrice will provide to 50 women a simple, safe, sustainable product that will last for 10 years and revolutionize menstrual health programming in Burkina Faso.
It is truly an exciting watershed moment as BARKA and its formidable partners Menstru'elles and Femme International introduce menstrual cups in historic fashion never before seen here.
In the coming year, we look forward to expanding the pilot to a national level in Burkina, and replicating the pilot in Ivory Coast, Senegal, Liberia and Ghana. As you can see, your support is needed now more than ever. You can help us achieve these ambitious goals.
Your generous tax-deductible year end gift will provide operational support as we complete our pilot and begin our focus on broader expansion. Thank you for your generosity and understanding. This work would not be possible without you! Barka!
Participant in recent local menstrual cup workshop
Cup Ambassadrice gives her training to local women