Project Report
| Jul 7, 2021
I have graduated. Thank you.
By Floridah Atieno | Programs Cordinator
Felix is the first born in a family of 5. His mum is the only bread winner since the father passed two years ago. As the first born, he is sometimes tasked with the responsibility of providing for his family. This has affected his academic performance becuase he would miss school often. Additionally, becuase he lacked school fees he would often be sent home. In 2019, Felix was shortlisted for the scholarship program, by this time, he had stayed home for over 6 months without attending school.
Joining the scholarship program helped him stay in school for the better part of 2019. However, in 2020, the pandemic affected his studies. This was also during a critical time in the academic years, over 1,000,000 students were expected to sit for their final high school exam. With the help of commited supporters like you, we opened our center in Kibera to over 30 students during the pandemic inorder for them to able to catch up with their studies and ensure that we address mental health challenges during the pandemic.
Through the help of proffesional teachers and mentors, the students successfully went through the 7 months program and Felix was one of them. When the results were announced in March 2021, Felix came on top of his class with min grade of B+. This grade is enough to take him straight to university. Felix is part of 20 other students who are part of our scholarship program. Thank you for supporting Felix to achieve his dream
Mar 16, 2021
I am in School. Thank you
By Floridah Atieno | Programs Cordinator
2020 was a tough year for me as a student. In March, I had to stop going to school becuase of Covid-19. I had only 1 year left before I graduate from high school. I was confused and anxious, studying at home proved difficult especially in situations where I could not understand different concepts.
In June the same year, my parents lost their sources of income. I had to step in and start supporting my parents, I dropped my studies at and started hawking bananas. My parents would on the other hand do some casual work. I come from a family of 6. I am the second born, the first born has her own family. In a day, we would make $ 3.
I was introduced to Garden of Hope Foundation through the mentorship sessions they run in our school. Seeing that life was difficult. I turned to one place I knew I would get hope, this was GoHF. After sharing my situation with the team from Garden of Hope Foundation, they invited me to join their Covid-19 tuition program. This program was being offered to all the students who could not afford to study at home. Garden of Hope Foundation also provided my family with start-up capital to start a small business.
In January 2021, Garden of Hope Foundation paid my school fees for the term. Though, my mum has secured another job, Dad is still running the business started by Garden of Hope Foundation."
Thank you for your support.
Nov 16, 2020
Your gift has helped me cope with unemployment during the pandemic
By Floridah Atieno | Programs Coordinator
"The impact of Covid-19 hit home when I was given my letter of redudancy in May 2020. As a mother of five children, this news was devastating. My job brought to me fiancial security, though I did not make much, I was able to pay rent, provide food for my children and eventually support them through school. I am widow, so I depend only on one source of income.
I did not know what to tell my children that evening, for one week I left home very early in the morning and came back in the eveninig just like everything was normal. At night, I would ask myself so many questions. What would happen to my 5 children? what would the landlord tell me this month? where will my food come from?. Scchool closing made it more difficult, often I would depend on school to at least provide lunch for the children, but now all the schools are clossed.
When I shared my predicament with a friend, she asked me how much I had saved. I told her that I only had Ksh 2,000 / $ 20. She challenged me to start a small business with the money, but I did not have any business skills, neither did I believe that $ 20 could help me start a business. She refered me to Garden of Hope Foundation where her children are being sposnored through school, luckily they were runnig the economic empowerment program targetting people who had been affected by Covid-19.
Through the training, I was able to start my business of selling soap, fruits and vegatables. I started my businees in June and It has been running for 3 months. The business is able to pay my rent, put food on the table and provide meals. I would like to keep the business even after I get a fulltime job"
Thank you for your generous gift.
Mama Rose.