Project Report
| May 20, 2014
We're Almost There!
By Rachel Goble | President
Second Classroom
Since our last report three months ago we have made so much progress! The second classroom is nearing completion with last minute touches being made to the building. We will then be in our final step: furnishing it!
We are thankful for the strong infrastructure of this building. Earlier this week, Chiang Rai experienced a 6.2 earthquake. Thanks to your donations we were able to build an earthquake safe foundation and the Resource Center (this second classroom included) saw very minimal damage. Only a couple of shingles broke. You may remember that early on in the Second Classroom campaign we set our budget higher to be able to absorb the cost increase of earthquake proofing the facility. Thank you for standing with us in that decision - we are thankful to be able to provide a safe office to our staff, classroom to our students, and place of refuge in times of need.
With our upcoming parent meeting this Saturday, we look forward to sharing with the entire SOLD community the progress that's been made on it! The upstairs has been designed as an office space for our eight staff (insulated and air conditioned for the extreme heat that Northen Thailand experiences) as well as a conference and private meeting room for counseling services and private meetings with students/parents. The downstairs is designed as a classroom for our students to participate in after school programs and educational classes. The original (first) classroom will then be converted in to a library.
Thank you so much for all of your support!
Second Classroom Back
Finishing the Inside of the Classroom
Feb 18, 2014
We have walls!
By Rachel Goble | President
Second Classroom With Walls!
Dear friends,
We made so much financial progress toward our goal at the end of 2013 and beginning of 2014! Thanks to grants from Cultural Care Au Pair, LUSH Cosmetics, and all of your individual contributions we have nearly reached our target. Not to mention that because of your support, we've been able to make some serious headway on the classroom progress. We've finished the bottom level walls and are working on the second level. Once those are complete, we'll begin to work on the roof!
We've been saying all along how needed this second classroom is. So much so that we're already using the first level of this building! We recently hosted an art camp with 20 volunteers and 75 students in the shade of the first level of this new classroom (see photo attached). Our staff are also very excited to each have a desk (currently eight staff are sharing two desks and a couch) in their new second level office!
Thank you so much for each contributing to this much needed classroom (and office!) and helping to make it a reality. We are very grateful!
With hope,
Rachel Goble & The SOLD Project Team
View of the Resource Center
Second classroom already in use!
Dec 4, 2013
We're getting so close!
By Rachel Goble | President
Second Classroom Progress
Dear Friends,
Black Friday and Cyber Monday have a new friend: Happy Giving Tuesday! When I met with Giving Tuesday's Boaz Paldi last night he shared "I think we need a day of celebrating giving. It's a day that we can all come together and think about what we're giving, how we're doing it, and the fact that we can do it all over the world and in different ways. I think it's important to have this day: we have so many other days we celebrate, and we don't have a day of giving."
Will you join us in #GivingTuesday? The SOLD Project is so close to reaching our goal to build the second classroom at our Resource Center in Thailand. When you donate to build the classroom, 100% of the funds go directly to the building project. To make it even better, Global Giving is offering to print, download or mail a card if you choose to make the gift in someone's honor. This card, coupled with some of our new merchandise or student art makes the perfect holiday gift.
Also, we have great news! Not only are we close to completing the floors for the Second Classroom but just yesterday we got word that LUSH Beauty Products is granting us $7,100 to build the walls and ceilings for both levels! To top it off, one of our donors was so excited by the LUSH grant that he gave another $5,000! This leaves us with $12,900 left to complete the classroom. We are so excited to be nearing our goal! Thank you for all of your support in making this second classroom possible.
Happy #GivingTuesday and Happy Holidays!
With gratitude,
Rachel Goble & The SOLD Project team
P.S. - We want to hear how you're participating in #GivingTuesday! Make sure to tweet us at @thesoldproject. Second Classroom Progress