Viva a Vida is based in the Cordoaria Quilombo, and works to empower and educate children and adolescents at risk of racism and violence. We seek to create resilience, and protect and transform lives. For over 20 years, we've shown that peaceful community action and education can empower children and adolescents to learn, flourish and enjoy their rights. To this end, we use arts-education, literature and community events to discuss human rights and encourage active engagement in social issues.
To create a safe space to address the main vulnerabilities children and adolescents experience in the region. Children do not have access to adequate health or education services, fall behind in their schooling and do not recognize their racial identity, while adolescents live without positive options, between the violence of drug-trafficking and police brutality. This deprives the children of many aspects of healthy development and exposes the adolescents to black genocide.
Our projects foster learning about identity, encourage autonomy, strengthen self-esteem and emotional intelligence, and provide tools to combat violence through education and art. We give workshops in literature, poetry and bookmaking, as well as human rights classes (focused on racism and violence). We work with the community to train new leaders and occupy public policy arenas. We encourage young leaders and active community members to join our team, as we see them as the NGO's future.
90 children will learn about their ancestry, feel happy and proud of their origins, get the best out of their education and grow up to resist racial violence. More than 1000 adolescents will access the history of black artists and personalities, reclaim their self-esteem and develop resilience. They will understand their rights and have the tools and information to access arenas for protection and denunciation. Young community leaders will start to apply tools to transform their community.
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