Provide a Scholarship to One Afghan Girl

A microproject by Creating Hope International (CHI)
Provide a Scholarship to One Afghan Girl
Provide a Scholarship to One Afghan Girl
Provide a Scholarship to One Afghan Girl
Provide a Scholarship to One Afghan Girl


This microproject will provide one Afghan girl with the tuition, books, uniform and stationary she needs in order to attend a private high school. Without this scholarship, the girl will be unable to attend school.

total raised
monthly donors


Afghanistan does not have enough public high schools for all students to attend, and where public schools do exist, they often do not offer a high quality education. This project will make it possible for one female student to attend a private high school, where she will receive high quality instruction.


This microproject will provide one female student with tuition, books, uniforms and stationary, all of which are required for her to attend a private high school.

Long-Term Impact

This project will change the course of this girl's life. By giving to this project, you are opening a world of possibility for her. You are assuring that she will be one of the 12.6% of Afghan women who are literate. As she grows and begins her own family, she will pass her desire to learn on to her children helping to create a better future for Afghanistan.


Organization Information

Creating Hope International (CHI)

Location: Dearborn, Michigan - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @sakenafund
Project Leader:
carolyn dunlap
Dearborn , Mi United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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