Feed Mark During Floods

A microproject by International Disaster Volunteers (IDV)
Feed Mark During Floods


Mark is 6. He lives with his four siblings and his parents in a house made from a few sheets of tin and plywood perched on a riverbank. Every year there are floods, and Marks's house has already been totally destroyed twice in his short life. Mark and his family live in constant fear of the floods, and they often have to evacuate. Evacuation is frightening and stressful, but you can make it easier by giving us the funds we need to stockpile food and drinking water for Mark and his family.

total raised
monthly donors


Mark and his family have already lost their home and their possessions multiple times, but the physical loss isn't the most devastating part of living with floods - it's the constant fear. Their house isn't safe when the flood waters come, as they inevitably will, and when they have to evacuate they cannot take anything with them a not even food. In past years, they've had to go without eating until flood waters receded.


By providing the funds we need to stockpile food, drinking water, and purchase basic supplies like a sleeping mat a you will take the fear out of evacuation for Mark and his family. With your help, they will know their basic needs will be met during times of crisis.

Long-Term Impact

Many families don't evacuate during floods because they fear being trapped without food and water. By stockpiling these basic needs ahead of time, families will be able to evacuate without fear. If we can encourage early evacuation, we can save lives.


Organization Information

International Disaster Volunteers (IDV)

Location: Bristol, Somerset - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @IDVMedia
International Disaster Volunteers (IDV)
Emma Taylor
Project Leader:
Emma Taylor
Bristol , Somerset United Arab Emirates

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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