Employer Matching

Submit your company matching requests for donation made on GlobalGiving.org to have them doubled or tripled!

Please note, your donation was made to the GlobalGiving Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 30-0108263).

Questions? Contact us at matchinggifts@globalgiving.org

1. Donate

Make a donation and save a copy of your receipt.

2. Find Your Company

Search for your company using the form below.

Search for your company using the form on the right.

3. Submit Matching Form

If your company requires a paper form, download and print your company's matching gift verification form. Fill it out and mail it to us:

1 Thomas Circle NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005

GlobalGiving Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 30-0108263). You can download our W9 and you can find copies of our registrations and tax-exempt status online.

If your company supports online matching forms, follow the directions on the right or on your company intranet.

4. Have questions?

Contact us - we're happy to help!

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