
Listen Up: The 6 CSR Podcasts You Need to Hear

There aren’t enough hours in the day to read all the latest insights on corporate social responsibility. That’s why we’ve rounded up our six favorite CSR podcast episodes.


Add these podcast episodes to your listening list to hear from corporate social responsibility leaders on your commute or while hitting the gym.

1. Patagonia’s VP of Environmental Affairs—The Growth Show

Rick Ridgeway, VP of Environmental Affairs for Patagonia, shares why the people and work at Patagonia mean so much to him. “I’ve been through some really rough experiences… and the company has really circled around me. I’m back because I’m doing such good work that really does make a difference and is fulfilling.”
Listen to the podcast.

2. Triple Pundit’s Former Editor-in-Chief—Social Entrepreneur

Jen Boynton says, “When I went to college, I had no idea that one could have a values-based career in the business world.” She now leads content at one of the biggest corporate responsibility media brands, Triple Pundit, which sees more than half a million unique website visitors each month. She shares her career journey, “Like many people in the sustainability field, we have a winding and unexpected paths to our roles.”
Listen to the podcast.

3. McPherson Strategies’ Susan McPherson—Leading Good

Thought leader Susan McPherson explains the role of influencer marketing in today’s cause marketing. “You can find people who … can be touting your story,” she says of influencer marketing. “And instead of it going through the press, with traditional press releases and pitches, you can go to ‘friends’ of the family or board members and have them be sharing your story.”
Listen to the podcast.

4. How Values & Culture Impact CSR Efforts—Cause Talk Radio

Jessica Li, a marketing professor at the University of Kansas, shares the results of a global study on this CSR podcast. The study found CSR commitments from international companies were better perceived when they were long-term investments. She also shares tips for US-based companies wanting to engage in CSR activities globally.
Listen to the podcast.

5. Does Doing Good Give You License To Be Bad?—Freakonomics

John List, an economist at the University of Chicago, conducted another interesting study. His study found that application rates increased for job postings that included a corporate social responsibility component. “The real gem here is that we also attract a very different type of worker who responds to the CSR [job posting],” John says. “People who apply for the [socially-responsible] firm actually are more productive per hour for us, and they enter more data accurately.” In the same episode, another professor explains the concept of “moral licensing,” then argues that CSR may have unintended negative effects.
Listen to the podcast.

6. Carol Cone—Pro Bono Perspectives from Common Impact and 3BL

On this episode of a new CSR podcast series, Carol Cone shares how and why she built her cause marketing consultant brands, including Cone, Inc. She says, “I was never in this for the money, I was always in it for the work. Because if you did amazing work, everything else would follow.”
Listen to the podcast.

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