One ride away

A fundraiser by Lachlan Morton
Image for One ride away
I will set out from Munich, Germany and ride 1,063 kilometers in one push, heading northeast through Czechia and into Poland on the way to my destination, the Korczowa - Krakovets border crossing with Ukraine.

I’m not an overly political person. I’m not an expert in any of this. I’m just trying to do the one thing I know how to do and engage the bike-riding community to help. My idea is to highlight the fact that war is not a far-off problem. Conflicts are a bike ride away, all over the world. That’s the intention behind it, and to try and raise as much money as we can to help out people who have been displaced.

This fundraiser is benefitting this project:

$301,786 of $150,000 goal
Raised by 4,417 donors in 2 years
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$100 USD    Anonymous
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$100 USD    Anonymous
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$100 USD    Anonymous
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$100 USD    Anonymous
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$100 USD    Anonymous
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$100 USD    Anonymous
1 year ago
$100 USD    from Aaron M.
1 year ago
$100 USD    Anonymous
1 year ago
$100 USD    from Aaron M.
1 year ago
£25 GBP    from Stephen J.
1 year ago
$100 USD    Anonymous
1 year ago
£25 GBP    from Stephen J.
1 year ago
$25 USD    Anonymous
1 year ago
$98 USD    from Dawn J.
1 year ago
€106 EUR    Anonymous
1 year ago
$100 USD    Anonymous
1 year ago
£25 GBP    from Stephen J.
1 year ago
$50 USD    from Carol G.
1 year ago
$100 USD    Anonymous
1 year ago
£25 GBP    from Stephen J.
1 year ago
$10 USD    Anonymous
1 year ago
$50 USD    from Andrew R.
1 year ago
$30 USD    Anonymous
1 year ago
£20 GBP    from Ian S.
1 year ago
$50 USD    Anonymous
1 year ago
$10 USD    from S.
1 year ago
$25 USD    from Andrew C.
1 year ago
€100 EUR    from Caspar G.
1 year ago
$75 USD    from Paul S.
1 year ago
$50 AUD    from Fortington A.
1 year ago
$25 USD    from Eric R.
1 year ago
$25 USD    Anonymous
1 year ago
$100 USD    from John O.
1 year ago
$20 USD    from Philip W.
1 year ago
€20 EUR    Anonymous
1 year ago
$100 USD    from Curt C.
1 year ago
$100 USD    from Carol G.
1 year ago
$100 USD    Anonymous
1 year ago
$60 USD    Anonymous
1 year ago
€10 EUR    Anonymous
1 year ago
$100 USD    from Scott K.
1 year ago
€10 EUR    from Rich M.
1 year ago
£25 GBP    from John J.
1 year ago
$100 USD    from Theresa T.
1 year ago
£10 GBP    from John W.
1 year ago
$100 USD    Anonymous
1 year ago
$100 USD    from Geert A.
1 year ago
£25 GBP    from Stephen J.
1 year ago
$100 USD    from Aaron M.
1 year ago
$100 USD    Anonymous
1 year ago
£25 GBP    from Stephen J.
1 year ago
$100 USD    from Aaron M.
1 year ago
$25 USD    from Kristin D.
1 year ago
$100 USD    Anonymous
1 year ago
£25 GBP    from Stephen J.
1 year ago
$100 USD    Anonymous
2 years ago
£25 GBP    from Stephen J.
2 years ago
$100 AUD    Anonymous
2 years ago
$100 USD    Anonymous
2 years ago
$100 USD    from Aaron M.
2 years ago
£25 GBP    from Stephen J.
2 years ago
$20 USD    Anonymous
2 years ago
$100 AUD    Anonymous
2 years ago
$100 USD    Anonymous
2 years ago
$100 USD    from Aaron M.
2 years ago
£25 GBP    from Stephen J.
2 years ago
€10 EUR    from Derek K.
2 years ago
$100 AUD    Anonymous
2 years ago
$10 USD    from Russell S.
2 years ago
$100 USD    from Geert A.
2 years ago
$27 USD    from Michael W.
2 years ago
$100 AUD    Anonymous
2 years ago
$100 USD    Anonymous
2 years ago
£25 GBP    from Stephen J.
2 years ago
$100 USD    from Aaron M.
2 years ago
$50 USD    from Dore H.
2 years ago
$50 USD    from Ed A.
2 years ago
$100 USD    from Kevin/Alice M.
2 years ago
$1,000 USD    from James L.
2 years ago
$1,800 USD    from Scott L.
2 years ago
€21 EUR    from Marcin C.
2 years ago
£50 GBP    from Oliver D.
2 years ago
$20 USD    from Marysarah B.
2 years ago
€50 EUR    Anonymous
2 years ago
$100 USD    from Thomas A.
2 years ago
$37,485 USD    from EF I.
2 years ago
$2,500 USD    from John and Jacolyn B.
2 years ago
£10 GBP    from James T.
2 years ago
$50 USD    from Ramon C.
2 years ago
$150 USD    from Matthew R.
2 years ago
€10 EUR    Anonymous
2 years ago
£10 GBP    Anonymous
2 years ago
$100 AUD    from Simon R.
2 years ago
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