Join me on an incredible unsupported bike ride all around Iceland along its legendary Ring Road. 1400 kilometres filled with dramatic scenery, intense rain, blistering wind, fatigue, lots of dried fish with butter and fermented shark chased with Brennivín. All to the rumbling tune of tyres tirelessly rolling along endless stretches of tarmac. And the occasional geothermal hot tub.
Why Iceland? Well…I am a seasoned pretend-cyclist whose skills have been honed by the treacherous London streets, cycling to and from work with the occasional coffee break. I’ve seen Tour de France 3 times, I’ve been initiated into the Velominati Rules (mostly rule #5), I know Eddy Merckx can ride a bike, I’ve seen “A Sunday in Hell”, I know my Campagnolos from my Shimanos, and occasionally I dress up in quality lycra and ride for miles pretending I’m Mark Beaumont with less hair, more fat and a dodgy Scottish accent.
To put it simply, Iceland is tantalisingly close to the edge of my abilities, but it tickles my stubbornness, it’s breathtaking and I have a couple of dear friends there whom I’ve not seen in a while. How many more reasons would you like?
On 2nd of September I will set off from Reykjavik and head north, moving clockwise, attempting to complete the circle in as few days as I can, relying on nothing but my bike and the propelling power of my aching body. What could go wrong? You can follow my progress at
I have the honour to dedicate this ride to Teach For Bulgaria ( who work tirelessly so that every child has access to quality education – regardless of where they live, which school they go to, and what the financial ability of their parents is. I first rode a bike for Teach For Bulgaria a couple of years ago ( when with the help of so many amazing people we managed to collect enough funds to support almost three of their teachers for a whole year.
Since then I’ve been an active supporter, helping humbly with whatever I can and participating as a mentor in one of their initiatives for 2 years in a row. I’ve seen their dedication and work from up close and I’d like to wholeheartedly support them again through this fundraiser.
With your help, we can make this journey about more than just a wise guy on a bike eating dried fish while battered by rain. Thank you for your kindness.
Takk fyrir,