-CLEAN WATER- for everybody

A fundraiser by Nici Brueckner
Image for -CLEAN WATER- for everybody
- CLEAN WATER- Needs to be available for everybody. Two years ago and again recently, I spent some time in my father’s country in Senegal. I fell in love with the genuine big smiles of these people with their happiness and welcoming attitude no matter what they had. It was pure joy to witness, and I felt I wanted to give something back but I had little to no idea how I would do this. Then I came across this incredible NGO called “CREATE!” They help by creating access to water as this is often the most critical and immediate need of agricultural communities based in desert regions. “CREATE!” works with 15 different communities to date, to ensures the availability of WATER in each of their partner communities with rehabilitated wells, solar-powered pumps, and gravity fed irrigation systems so that the woman of their communities can grow vegetables all year-round on land previously limited to the cultivation of traditional cash crops during the two- to three-month rainy season. Each solar pump provides thousands of liters of water every day, which is distributed through a gravity-fed irrigation system to basins in the village’s garden site. To date, over 9,000 + people have gained access to CLEAN, AFFORDABLE WATER through “CREATE!” water projects in Senegal. In early March 2019, I had the luck of visiting this NGO and see with my own eyes what these people have achieved. I sat with the women, men and children, I listened to their stories how “CREATE!” changed their day-to-day life, and how they feel empowered. PLEASE HELP ME to raise funds to help them to help these communities first hand. PEACE and LOVE Here is a little glimpse into our visit on International women's day with “CREATE!” communities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKmLWxDS_0Q

This fundraiser is not supporting any active projects.

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€80 EUR    from Nici B.
4 years ago
€5 EUR    Anonymous
5 years ago
$100 USD    from jim w.
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€145 EUR    from Nadja R.
5 years ago
$25 USD    from B.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Isabelle L.
5 years ago
$20 USD    Anonymous
5 years ago
$20 USD    Anonymous
5 years ago
€20 EUR    Anonymous
5 years ago
$24 USD    Anonymous
5 years ago
€8 EUR    from Marie-Claire A.
5 years ago
$10 USD    from Ur C.
5 years ago
€30 EUR    from Caroline P.
5 years ago
$15 USD    from Margaret F.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Angélique B.
5 years ago
$25 USD    from Karen M.
5 years ago
€9 EUR    from Lydia H.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Monika S.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Nicole F.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Johanna V.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Lórien W.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Ariane W.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    Anonymous
5 years ago
$10 USD    Anonymous
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€5 EUR    Anonymous
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€9 EUR    Anonymous
5 years ago
€25 EUR    from Janine H.
5 years ago
€8 EUR    from Tanja H.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Sabine B.
5 years ago
€8 EUR    from Bindu C.
5 years ago
€7 EUR    from Linda M.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Linda M.
5 years ago
$20 USD    from Michelle P.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Marie-Claire A.
5 years ago
$12 USD    from Katarina d.
5 years ago
$12 USD    from Erna G.
5 years ago
$10 USD    from Martin A.
5 years ago
$40 USD    from NICOLE B.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Marja V.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Stefanie G.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    Anonymous
5 years ago
€11 EUR    from Carla S.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Älva M.
5 years ago
$10 USD    from Jessica S.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Rhea N.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Sabine B.
5 years ago
$10 USD    from Regina E.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Ratna J.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    Anonymous
5 years ago
€20 EUR    from Geraldine M.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Astrid R.
5 years ago
€20 EUR    from Katja S.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Anette B.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Pirjo K.
5 years ago
$50 USD    from Sharon E.
5 years ago
$15 USD    Anonymous
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Anke D.
5 years ago
$10 USD    from Adam B.
5 years ago
$10 USD    from Anita A.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Florence h.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Ilona J.
5 years ago
$10 USD    from Ilana S.
5 years ago
€20 EUR    from Gordana B.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Katrin K.
5 years ago
$10 USD    from Myriam R.
5 years ago
€20 EUR    from Michaela S.
5 years ago
€100 EUR    from Claudia S.
5 years ago
€44 EUR    from Mona H.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Petra S.
5 years ago
$25 USD    from charlotte d.
5 years ago
$500 USD    from Sally B.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Kathrin S.
5 years ago
$10 USD    from Attila K.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Simon F.
5 years ago
€20 EUR    from Pia S.
5 years ago
$20 USD    Anonymous
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Martin G.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Alexandra R.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    Anonymous
5 years ago
€20 EUR    from Katarina K.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Linda W.
5 years ago
$10 USD    from Orlando C.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Doris M.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    Anonymous
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Jean-Claude S.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Gordana H.
5 years ago
$10 USD    from Lone B.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Johanna W.
5 years ago
$10 USD    from Melanie D.
5 years ago
€15 EUR    from Samantha G.
5 years ago
€30 EUR    Anonymous
5 years ago
€11 EUR    from Mona H.
5 years ago
$10 USD    from Barbara H.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from karin w.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Tilman W.
5 years ago
€5 EUR    from Naomi R.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from K.E. G.
5 years ago
€20 EUR    Anonymous
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from Linda W.
5 years ago
€10 EUR    from HPO M.
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