Empower the next generation of girls in technology Empower the next generation of girls in technology Empower the next generation of girls in technology Empower the next generation of girls in technology

Chicas en Tecnologia

Org #95098
Vetted since 2021
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Chicas en Tecnologia (CET) is a non-profit organization that has sought to close the technological gender gap since 2015, through free and open programs and initiatives that encourage, motivate, train, and support the new generation of female leaders in technology.

Projects (1)

Project Leaders
Paz Ramis
Paz Ramis
Marianela Angarano
Marianela Angarano
Romina Carlucci
Romina Carlucci
Paula Coto, Carla Arias, Marianela Angarano, Julieta La casa, Paz Ramis
Organization Information
Piso:3 Dpto:A
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires 1004
+54 91144193917
Organization Information
Piso:3 Dpto:A
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires 1004
+54 91144193917

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Empowering Young Latin Women in Tech: 2024 So Far

By Romina Carlucci | Institutional Development Officer

In 2023, we included a comprehensive training journey structured in four stages that promote and boost young women through the different phases of knowledge on the adoption of technology: from... Read the full report ›

Empowering Women in Tech: Journey continues in 2024

By Romina Carlucci | Institutional Development Officer

In 2023, we included a comprehensive training journey structured in four stages that promote and boost young women through the different phases of knowledge on the adoption of technology: from... Read the full report ›

Completing the journey: more young women empowered

By Paz Ramis | International Cooperation Specialist

We are ending the year reaching over 4,000 young women from Latin America who participate in our Motivation, Training, and Accompaniment programs. Through the free training proposals young women are... Read the full report ›
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