Educate to Empower Girls Living in Poverty! Educate to Empower Girls Living in Poverty! Educate to Empower Girls Living in Poverty! Educate to Empower Girls Living in Poverty!

Our Hope Heya Masr for Society Development

Org #87941
Vetted since 2020
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Our mission is to restore a sense of dignity and pride in young Egyptian women by building their self-confidence and empowering them mentally and physically to develop themselves. Heya Masr targets disadvantaged young girls and boys aged 6-18 to strengthen their character. We do this by providing a safe and nurturing environment for physical activities, nutritional and healthy lifestyle education, character development activities, sexual harassment, and bullying awareness and self-defense strategies. We believe that to make an impact, and we need to educate both young women and men equally. Heya Masr is empowering a young generation of girls and boys now for a better Egypt tomorrow. Heya ... read more

Projects (1)

Project Leaders
Moody Demetry
Moody Demetry
Moody Demetry
Moody Demetry
Manal Massoud, Heba Samy, Neama Attia
Organization Information
8 Abd Al Aziz Hamam St.
Hadayeq El-Maadi, Cairo 11728
+1774 265 0157
Organization Information
8 Abd Al Aziz Hamam St.
Hadayeq El-Maadi, Cairo 11728
+1774 265 0157

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Heya Masr Q4 2023 report

By Moody Demetry | Founder and CEO

  Hello, my friend and dear supporter of the Heya Masr Educate to Empower project. I am happy to report on and share with you a quick summary of our... Read the full report ›

Heya Masr Q3 2023 Educate to Empower

By Moody Demetry | Founder and CEO ofHeyaMasr

  Hello, my friend and dear supporter of the Heya Masr Educate to Empower project. I am happy to report on and share with you a quick summary of our... Read the full report ›

2023-Q2-Heya-Masr- Accomplisment Report

By Moody Demetry | Founder and CEO

  Hello, my friend and dear supporter of the Heya Masr Educate to Empower project. I am happy to report on and share with you a quick summary of our achievements in Q2 2023.... Read the full report ›
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