After days of hunger, finally a meal Girl receiving medical care Girls waiting to get a shower at Panabus Homeless families waiting attention by Panabus


Org #67886
Vetted since 2019 Staff Favorite
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Our mission is to dignify homeless people reintegrating them into society and labor force, providing them fundamental services such as: shower, toilet, clothes, haircut, healthcare and food, through mobile assistance units, in addition to accompanying them with a follow-up process for their rehabilitation.

Projects (1)

Project Leaders
Panabus Fundación Santa En Las Calles
Panabus Fundación Santa En Las Calles
Organization Information
7460 SW 157 Terrace
MIAMI, FL 33157
United States
+1 (786) 282-8289
Organization Information
7460 SW 157 Terrace
MIAMI, FL 33157
United States
+1 (786) 282-8289

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

1.165 people have been assisted by Panabus in 2024

By Fundacion Santa en las Calles - Panabus | Fundacion Santa en las Calles - Panabus

1.165 people have been assisted by Panabus in 2024. During the first six months of this year, Panabus has provided health services to 368 homeless people, offering them psychosocial care, primary... Read the full report ›

New year, new ideas to transform the lives of our

By Fundacion Santa en las Calles - Panabus | Fundacion Santa en las Calles - Panabus

This 2024 comes loaded with new ideas and with them the great challenge of continuing to offer an excellent quality service to our breadwinners in homelessness or vulnerable situations in... Read the full report ›

We are ready for the best time of the year!

By Fundacion Santa en las Calles - Panabus | Fundacion Santa en las Calles - Panabus

This 2023, the Panabus team and Fundación Santa en las Calles, together with its collaborators and allies, have worked hard and tirelessly to fulfill their goal of rescuing and transforming... Read the full report ›
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