Provide accompaniment and professional services to indigenous children, youth and women in Oaxaca, for the promotion, defense and full exercise of their rights.
Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:
By Blanca Castanon, Seydi Silva y Clara Montano | project collaborators
Dear Allies: We are pleased to share with you the progress of our campaign " Healthy Nutrition for 120 Children of Oaxaca". Thanks to your generosity, commitment and continued support, we have made... Read the full report ›By Blanca Castanon, Seydi Silva y Clara Montano | project collaborators
Dear Allies:We write to you with deep appreciation for your valuable contribution to the "Healthy Nutrition for 120 Children in Oaxaca" campaign. Thanks to your generosity, we have been able to... Read the full report ›By ESPIRAL POR LA VIDA | BLANCA CASTANON
Estimados amigos y benefactores de Espiral por la Vida, les saludamos con alegría y les compartimos que: Han sido años de grandes aprendizajes y de arduo trabajo en favor de... Read the full report ›