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Charentsavan Resource Center Charitable NGO

Org #18520
Vetted since 2014 Site Visit Verified
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


The Charentsavan Resource Center Charitable NGO is dedicated to helping the people of the Charentsavan community and its nearby villages to improve their lives by providing vocational training, educational workshops, legal advice, and other support services. With a focus on impoverished families and people living with disabilities, we aim to help others to recognize their potential and to gain the necessary information, skills, and attitudes to reach their goals.

Project Leaders
Grigoryan Gayane
Grigoryan Gayane
Ara Kostanyan
Ara Kostanyan
Tatevik Avetisyan, Arsen Danielyan, Gevorg Bagdasaryan, Lusine Mamajanyan, Ara Kostanyan
Organization Information
3rd District, Building 6
Apartment 20
Charentsavan, Kotayk 2501
+374 93 969 109; +374 99 969 109
Organization Information
3rd District, Building 6
Apartment 20
Charentsavan, Kotayk 2501
+374 93 969 109; +374 99 969 109

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

We move forward, there is no stopping

By Gayane Grigoryan | Gayane Grigoryan

  The tasks facing the organization are never ending. Regardless of the situation and need, you are always on the move. There are 2 sisters, 2 years old and 4 years old, who are left out of... Read the full report ›

The people of Artsakh have deeper problems

By Gayane Grigoryan | Gayane Grigoryan

The solution of the problems arising around the people of Artsakh is profound. Many families of displaced Artsakh residents went abroad. One of the most important issues is the housing problem,... Read the full report ›

We move forward with small steps

By Gayane Grigoryan | Gayane Grigoryan

The problems facing the organization are endless. regardless of the situation and need, you are always in motion. This time, in this quarter, we managed to carry out a number of works, the most... Read the full report ›
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