DCWC NEPAL is a non-governmental, non-political, non-religious and non-profit making organization registered under the charity act of the government of Nepal in the year 2000. Their mission is to bring education and healthcare to the rural poor of Nepal who have no access to government services available to the urban population.
Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:
By Chanda Lama | Project Leader
Another Incredible Year Namaste from Nepal to all our wonderful supporters Thanking you all from the bottom of our hearts (DCWC Community Hospital Team) for your love and support. We are so... Read the full report ›By Patrick Graney, Karin Reibel | Project leaders
The month of March at the DCWC Community Hospital, Kavre, Nepal has been a busy one. Here are some of the highlights: We finally were able to open the long awaited Dental Services Ward and it is just... Read the full report ›By Patrick Graney, Karin Reibel | Project Leaders
We have written before of the challenges present in hiring motivated, qualified and talented staff to be posted in a remote area of Nepal. Over time we have been most fortunate in attracting terrific... Read the full report ›