Our Mission is to protect bonobos (Pan paniscus), preserve their tropical rainforest habitat, and empower local communities in the Congo Basin. By working with local Congolese people through cooperative conservation and community development programs, and by shaping national and international policy, the Bonobo Conservation Initiative (BCI) is establishing new protected areas and leading efforts to safeguard bonobos wherever they are found. The Bonobo Peace Forest (BPF) is the guiding vision of BCI: a connected network of community-based reserves and conservation concessions, supported by sustainable development. The Peace Forest provides protection for bonobos and other species in the Congo... read more Our Mission is to protect bonobos (Pan paniscus), preserve their tropical rainforest habitat, and empower local communities in the Congo Basin. By working with local Congolese people through cooperative conservation and community development programs, and by shaping national and international policy, the Bonobo Conservation Initiative (BCI) is establishing new protected areas and leading efforts to safeguard bonobos wherever they are found. The Bonobo Peace Forest (BPF) is the guiding vision of BCI: a connected network of community-based reserves and conservation concessions, supported by sustainable development. The Peace Forest provides protection for bonobos and other species in the Congo rainforest, while at the same time ensuring a better life for the people who share this precious land.
Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:
By Rebecca Bossen | Communications Director
Say hello to Avocat, the newest addition to the Kokolopori bonobos! Mom Azur welcomed this bouncing baby boy in June. Both mother and infant are thriving—and are receiving lots of attention from... Read the full report ›By Jennifer Moustgaard | Program Manager
BCI and our partners at Lilungu have been keeping busy over the last few months. As we previously reported, construction of a new conservation center is in progress and our scientific director Dr.... Read the full report ›By Jennifer Moustgaard | Program Manager
Can you believe that we’re already three months into 2024? BCI and our partners at Lilungu were busy as 2023 came to a close and 2024 began. In late November, our DRC operations manager Bienvenu... Read the full report ›