News + Media

Our Brand Guide

Do you need a high-resolution logo, or other assets to represent GlobalGiving? Here you’ll find our complete Brand Guide, downloadable logos, instructions for logo use, our color palette, and a guide for using on-brand imagery.

Download Our Brand Guide

Our Logos


GlobalGiving primary logo
GlobalGiving primary logo
GlobalGiving stacked logo
GlobalGiving stacked logo
Download Logos

Our Name

GlobalGiving is always written as one word, not two. The first two Gs should be capitalized.

check mark


X mark

Global Giving

X mark


X mark


Our Fonts

GlobalGiving uses two fonts: Aleo and Open Sans. Aleo is usually reserved for headlines, quotes, and callouts. Open Sans is used for body copy and other secondary text. Both fonts are free for general use and can be downloaded below.



Open Sans


Our Colors

Primary Palette

R: 227

G: 127

B: 28

R: 69

G: 115

B: 137

R: 240

G: 139

B: 29

R: 93

G: 135

B: 161

R: 248

G: 192

B: 135

R: 128

G: 161

B: 182

R: 255

G: 233

B: 214

R: 183

G: 202

B: 216

R: 159

G: 166

B: 23

R: 227

G: 180

B: 48

R: 178

G: 187

B: 30

R: 241

G: 203

B: 0

R: 212

G: 216

B: 141

R: 255

G: 210

B: 0

R: 62

G: 60

B: 57

R: 255

G: 230

B: 147

R: 91

G: 86

B: 76

R: 134

G: 127

B: 117

R: 193

G: 186

B: 176

R: 231

G: 229

B: 225

Secondary Palette

R: 41

G: 53

B: 65

R: 76

G: 36

B: 50

R: 50

G: 64

B: 78

R: 104

G: 48

B: 67

R: 62

G: 75

B: 89

R: 151

G: 52

B: 27

R: 125

G: 132

B: 138

R: 197

G: 70

B: 38

R: 196

G: 199

B: 202

Primary Palette

R: 227

G: 127

B: 28

R: 240

G: 139

B: 29

R: 248

G: 192

B: 135

R: 255

G: 233

B: 214

R: 69

G: 115

B: 137

R: 93

G: 135

B: 161

R: 128

G: 161

B: 182

R: 183

G: 202

B: 216

R: 159

G: 166

B: 23

R: 178

G: 187

B: 30

R: 212

G: 216

B: 141

R: 227

G: 180

B: 48

R: 241

G: 203

B: 0

R: 255

G: 210

B: 0

R: 255

G: 230

B: 147

R: 62

G: 60

B: 57

R: 91

G: 86

B: 76

R: 134

G: 127

B: 117

R: 193

G: 186

B: 176

R: 231

G: 229

B: 225

Secondary Palette

R: 41

G: 53

B: 65

R: 50

G: 64

B: 78

R: 62

G: 75

B: 89

R: 125

G: 132

B: 138

R: 196

G: 199

B: 202

R: 76

G: 36

B: 50

R: 104

G: 48

B: 67

R: 151

G: 52

B: 27

R: 197

G: 70

B: 38

Want to tell a GlobalGiving story?

If you want to learn more about GlobalGiving, invite a GlobalGiving team member to speak at your event, or feature one of our projects on the Tonight Show, please contact us at

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