CHIME FOR CHANGE is a global campaign founded by Gucci in 2013 to convene, unite and strengthen the voices speaking out for gender equality.

Building on its longstanding work to protect the health, safety and human rights of women and girls around the world, in 2020, CHIME FOR CHANGE joined forces with the KERING FOUNDATION to launch #StandWithWomen to increase funding to nonprofit organizations supporting women, with a focus on addressing gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. Together we have directly supported nearly 30,000 women and girls through more than 80 grassroots women’s organizations, including women of color, transgender women, Indigenous women and disabled women.

To learn more about CHIME FOR CHANGE, please visit

Join us by donating to a project below.

Safety for Women and Girls of Color
Defending women's safety and addressing gender-based violence has been a priority of the Ms. Foundation for Women since its founding. In the 1970s, we were one of the first funders of domestic violence shelters and sexual-assault hotlines. We support organizations that work to end all forms of gender-based violence, especially towards women and girls of color.

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