Help Send Nine Girls to Ninth Grade!

A microproject by The Mariposa DR Foundation
Help Send Nine Girls to Ninth Grade!


Quality high school education is scarce on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic, and it's still a rarity for a Dominican or Dominican-Haitian child to graduate with a high school diploma. The Mariposa DR Foundation is working to send nine girls to a private, local high school for their freshman year.

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Until recently, only one in five children entering primary school in Cabarete completed fifth grade. Although more adolescents are currently graduating from eighth grade, very few are continuing their education. In fact, there is no public high school in the community. As a result, many children in Cabarete end their education early and aren't able to pursue higher learning or work as professionals. Worse, "out-of-school" teenage girls often end up pregnant and the cycle of poverty continues.


The Mariposa DR Foundation has established a relationship with a private high school and is currently sending 6 girls to CADIN for their freshmen year. These girls are receiving the best high school education in the area. Due to their phenomenal academic success we are working to send nine Mariposas there for their freshman year. This project will cover the cost of tuition for these girls to begin receiving their education at CADIN.

Long-Term Impact

All Mariposa girls currently attending this private high school have GPAs of 3.4 or higher and are excelling in all areas of their education. As a result of these successes, we believe that each of these girls is college bound and that this success will be mirrored in future students.


Organization Information

The Mariposa DR Foundation

Location: Ithaca, NY - USA
Project Leader:
Jessica Lawson
Cabarete , Dominican Republic

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