Climate Change - Give Local Journalists a Voice

by Internews
Climate Change - Give Local Journalists a Voice
Climate Change - Give Local Journalists a Voice
Climate Change - Give Local Journalists a Voice
Climate Change - Give Local Journalists a Voice
Climate Change - Give Local Journalists a Voice
Climate Change - Give Local Journalists a Voice
Climate Change - Give Local Journalists a Voice
Climate Change - Give Local Journalists a Voice
Climate Change - Give Local Journalists a Voice
Climate Change - Give Local Journalists a Voice


Climate Change is the story of the century - yet people who are most vulnerable to climate change impacts often have the least information about it. Our mission is to close this information gap - you can help by bringing local journalists from the developing world to participate in Climate Communications Day, an official parallel event for UN Climate Negotiations in Doha, Qatar.

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There is a huge information gap that exists -climate change impacts in developing countries are significant, yet access to quality information remains low. Local journalists with local perspectives are vital information brokers - yet too little information about climate change comes from these sources. Journalists from developing countries are largely absent from major climate conferences, creating both an in-country information vacuum and an international environmental governance deficit.


Internews will bring local journalists to the UN's climate change negotiations in Doha, Qatar and provide them training from international experts, access to negotiators and scientists, technical expertise, editorial guidance, and much more. This will enable the journalists to cover the summit for their home media organizations, work with experienced and knowledgeable journalists from around the world, and gain a multifaceted understanding of climate change's global impact.

Long-Term Impact

The planet's future will be decided in the developing world. Home to four-fifths of the world's population and fastest growing economies, these countries will ultimately determine how drastically our climate changes.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information


Location: Washington, DC - USA
Project Leader:
Amanda Frankel
Washington , D.C. United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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