Help Concern Respond to Cyclone Idai

by Concern Worldwide US
Help Concern Respond to Cyclone Idai
Help Concern Respond to Cyclone Idai
Help Concern Respond to Cyclone Idai
Help Concern Respond to Cyclone Idai
Help Concern Respond to Cyclone Idai
Help Concern Respond to Cyclone Idai


Cyclone Idai has caused severe flooding in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe. Concern Worldwide is already on the ground in Malawi, where the floods have affected more than 900,000 people, leaving over 125,000 people homeless. The Malawian government declared a State of National Disaster on March 8, and the displaced are scattered across 173 makeshift camps. Concern is initially responding by providing essential items to the displaced, with plans to carry out shelter and hygiene activities.

total raised
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Cyclone Idai struck Southern Africa in early March, severely impacting Mozambique, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. The cyclone brought torrential rains and 120 mph winds to the region. At the time of writing, at least 2 million people have been affected, and at least 300 people have been reported dead, a toll that will likely rise. Concern is already on the ground in Malawi, where a state of emergency has already been declared and more than 125,000 displaced people are living in makeshift camps.


Concern is currently responding to the disaster in Malawi. Our first phase of response includes providing essential items such as cooking utensils, mosquito nets, soap and other materials including plastic sheeting for immediate shelter for up to 5,000 flood-affected households (22,500 people). The organization expects to expand its response in the coming days, constructing emergency latrines and showers and training people in emergency health and hygiene activities.

Long-Term Impact

There is currently a dangerous situation where latrines have been damaged and there are insufficient hygiene services, leading to a risk of diarrhea, cholera, and malaria, which will be mitigated through the provision of hygiene and sanitation services long term. The flooding has destroyed the harvest in the affected areas, and Concern will provide food and cash support in the short term to avoid hunger. Once the waters subside, Concern will provide seeds, tools, and training for replanting.


Organization Information

Concern Worldwide US

Location: New York, NY - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @concern
Project Leader:
Alexandra Strzempko
New York , NY United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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