This project will provide 3 tricycles and therapeutic treatment to school going disabled children & youth. CHHASE aims to transform the lives of 3 disadvantaged School going children, suffering to go to school because of physical deformities caused by birth defects, accidents, abuse, or disease. Provision of tricycles, hearing aids and specs etc, will enable these poor and most disadvantaged children to go to school and a healthy and safe learning environment.
Children & youth with disabilities face lot of difficulties to go to school. Many children require Tricycles, hearing aids and specs etc. As a result, children & youth with disabilities face difficulties to go to school. Children with hearing impairment lack of studies without hearing aids. Children with vision problems unable read their lessons.
CHHASE will Provide tricycles, hearing aids and specs etc to Children & youth with disabilities, and this provision enable these poor and most disadvantaged children & youth to go to school and provide a healthy and safe learning environment.
CHHASE serves students from 1st grade through 12th grade and supports them to reach their full academic potential, prepare for college, and in turn give their time and talents back to their communities. We partner with parents, teachers, and the community to address the comprehensive education needs of our children and advocate for healthy families.