Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream

A microproject by Mountains of hope childrens ministries
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream
Help 50 teenage girls fulfil Education dream


This project will avail rural school girls with a packet of sanitary pads monthly to keep them at school. When girls start missing school they are far more likely to be exposed to other risks such as early pregnancy and marriage and HIV/AIDS. Increasing girls completion of education cycle is a critical component of efforts to build their wider empowerment and in particular for ensuring that they are more able to be involved in decision making.

total raised
monthly donors


About 90% of women and girls in rural areas cannot afford sanitary pads. Evidence suggests that the period around puberty is one in which many girls drop out of school or are absent from school for significant periods of time. This means that over 1000 girls miss 6 weeks of school every year and women miss valuable work hours. Meanwhile UNESCO estimates that one in 10 African adolescent girls miss school during menses and eventually drop out because of menstruation related issues.


Distribution of reusable sanitary pads will enable vulnerable school girls in our community will be assisted to acquire at least one sanitary pad per month (3 packets per term)

Long-Term Impact

Provision of these pads will reduce manipulation by men who promise to provide them with the money to buy the pads, this will increase on the school enrollment and completion of education cycle.


Organization Information

Mountains of hope childrens ministries

Location: Mpigi, Uganda - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @OfMountains?s=08
Project Leader:
James Malinga
Project Director
Mpigi , Uganda

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