Teach meditation to 50 abuse survivors in Brooklyn

A microproject by The David Lynch Foundation
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Teach meditation to 50 abuse survivors in Brooklyn
Teach meditation to 50 abuse survivors in Brooklyn
Teach meditation to 50 abuse survivors in Brooklyn
Teach meditation to 50 abuse survivors in Brooklyn
Teach meditation to 50 abuse survivors in Brooklyn


The David Lynch Foundation has partnered with the Brooklyn Family Justice Center to help young survivors of domestic abuse overcome the trauma of violence through the Transcendental Meditation technique. Research has shown the TM technique to be remarkably effective in treating the psychological and physical symptoms associated with traumatic stress, including reduced symptoms of PTSD, insomnia, flashbacks and substance abuse.

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According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, one out of four women will be assaulted or raped by their spouse or intimate partner during her lifetime. Emotional, physical and verbal abuse has long-ranging consequences, and many abused women continue to struggle with the after effects of abuse for years -- long after they have left their abuser. Without proper support, many battered women face the impossible choice of staying with their batterer or living on the street.


Research suggests that TM reduces PTSD symptoms by 50%, insomnia by 42% and is 2x as effective at reducing substance abuse as other conventional approaches. With TM, these survivors can find profound relief from the shadow of the terrible experiences they endured and regain control of their lives. In the words of one young mother who learned TM in our pilot program at BFJC, "With TM, I can finally deal with all the anxiety and stress from the difficult experiences I went through."

Long-Term Impact

Through helping survivors of domestic violence to relieve the grip of past trauma and rebuild a sense of wellbeing and self-esteem, the Foundation will empower these women and children to stay out of abusive relationships, find means to support themselves and their families and begin to form healthy, positive relationships.


Organization Information

The David Lynch Foundation

Location: New York - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @LynchFoundation
The David Lynch Foundation
Andrea Gorzell Hickey
Project Leader:
Andrea Gorzell Hickey
New York , New York United States

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