Education  Haiti Project #14634

$300 to send Wilkenson to School for a Year

A microproject by International Disaster Volunteers (IDV)
$300 to send Wilkenson to School for a Year


This project will provide a full year of education for Wilkenson. Wilkenson is 9. After his parents died in 2009 his grandmother tried to care for him and his brothers, but she couldn't afford to feed them so she was forced to abandon them at the orphanage. Wilkenson has been through a lot, but he's still one of the orphanage's funniest kids - and he loves soccer! With your help, we'll be able to provide Wilkenson with the education he needs to build a secure future.

total raised
monthly donors


As an orphan, Wilkenson is among the most vulnerable of Haitian children. There are no free schools in Port au Prince available for Wilkenson, so the orphanage must employ its own teachers and run its own school. Lack of education locks kids like Wilkenson into a cycle of poverty. Ensuring access to school not only helps Wilkenson break that cycle, but strengthens Haitian communities in the long-term.


Wilkenson has lived his whole life in poverty. He needs a quality education to find a prosperous future. Your donations will give him that education and set him on the road to a brighter tomorrow.

Long-Term Impact

Access to education will give Wilkenson the skills he needs to find a stable job and escape poverty when he's older.


Organization Information

International Disaster Volunteers (IDV)

Location: Bristol, Somerset - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @IDVMedia
International Disaster Volunteers (IDV)
Emma Taylor
Project Leader:
Emma Taylor
Enderby , Licester United Kingdom

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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