Girls & Football South Africa: Identity Workshop

A microproject by Girls & Football SA
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Girls & Football South Africa: Identity Workshop
Girls & Football South Africa: Identity Workshop
Girls & Football South Africa: Identity Workshop


South Africa is a deeply patriarchal society, which limits girls from reaching their full potential. Your donation supports 60 girls in South Africa by giving them the opportunity to learn about the differences between girls and boys, and to understand these differences do not mean girls are at a disadvantage. During football centered workshops, our girls are taught about stereotyping girls and boys. Our workshops highlight that it isn't necessary to act according to pre-established stereotypes.

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In a patriarchal society where men are seen as dominant figures, whether in a household, a community or in an institutional setting, girls and women face stereotypes; often those identifying them as caretakers or as domestic figures. By encouraging girls to trust in their capacities outside of these pre established gender roles, they are able to explore other, perhaps more productive, options in their community and for their future.


This workshop encourages participants to understand that physical differences in female versus male bodies doesn't mean boys are more important, more intelligent or 'better' at sport. The participants learn that girls and boys should be treated equally, and that being strong and enjoying games or work traditionally allocated to boys, doesn't make them any "less of a girl". To ensure a gender balance, the workshop also highlights that boys should be able to perform in traditionally female roles.

Long-Term Impact

By teaching the girls that the different stereotypes created by society are allowed to be broken, and consequently by breaking them, the workshop ensures girls have the courage to further their dreams of becoming a professional soccer player, an engineer or a doctor; roles traditionally filled by men. Opening the discussion around gender identity allows girls to understand there are no set rules.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Girls & Football SA

Location: Cape Town, Western Cape - South Africa
Jos Dirkx
Project Leader:
Jos Dirkx
Cape Town , South Africa

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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