Skip the necktie. Get a bomb-sniffing rat.
Skip the necktie. Get a bomb-sniffing rat.

For Father's Day this year, buy a year's worth of bananas for landmine-detecting HeroRATs.

No seriously. We think your dad could be into this.

Superhero African Giant Pouched rats are specially trained to detect landmines. (Don't worry, they're too small to set off explosives.) These super-sniffers can detect both metal and plastic-cased landmines at a much faster (and safer) rate than humans!

As if that wasn't amazing enough, some of the rats are trained to smell Tuberculosis and offer second-line TB screening. How good are they? It takes a skilled lab technician a full day to process 40 TB sputum samples. A trained rat can evaluate them in just seven minutes!

HeroRATS are saving countless lives and limbs in Africa. How about showing these rats some love?
  • $36 provides one year's worth of banana rewards for one HeroRAT
  • $75 provides one week's worth of food and veterinary care for 100 HeroRATs
  • $100 can build a love nest for breeding HeroRATs
Support a rat in honor of dad

You can mark your donation as a gift, in honor or memory of someone, and you'll have the option to print or email a tribute card if you'd like. As Nick Kristof said in his New York Times article, "Dad will really like this":

"What man wouldn't pass up a necktie for the chance to be associated with an educated, supermacho giant rat?"

We wish you the best as you celebrate this weekend. And a happy Father's Day to those of you who are dads!

Alison Carlman and the GlobalGiving Team

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p.s. Not everyone has a biological father around to honor on Sunday, but if you have a step-dad or a father-figure in your life, an e-tribute card is a great way to thank him for being there for you.
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